The Way of Grace Book Review

I was given this book to review in exchange for an honest book review. That in no way shaped my opinion of this book. There are affiliate links included in this post, and if you choose to use them to purchase something from the site I do earn a small commission at no additional expense to you. 

I am totally in love with the Miller Creek series if you can’t already tell that from my review of Texas Roads and A Path Less Traveled. But let me tell you, this author hit the third times a charm right on the head with The Way of Grace.
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Grace is something that I really struggle with something fierce in my walk with God. I lack patience with others far more than I should. I give a snappy turtle a very strong run for their money on many days.

However, this book had a way of making me see things in a different light. I realized how my being stressed to have ‘everything’ blogging related done and literally having myself feel like I have to do everything that the top bloggers are doing in order to make it was affecting me. I bring that up AGAIN to make a point, that often times we place so much of on our plates to be “perfect or to impress others” that we tend to forget that God wants us to do something else altogether.

Yes, I believe God is 110% behind my blog. I know that in the fact that he has richly blessed what I’m doing with it for myself and for my family. My blog is my outlet! It’s my way of staying sane as a stay-at-home mom. However, I also know it’s something so much more for HIM!

He takes everything bad and uses it for his good and his glory. I’ve been through a lot in my life, and my experiences can help others if I come out of my shell. I have done it many times on here. However, like Grace from this wonderful book, I tend to hold back a lot of myself. I’m to busy worrying about what YOU will think instead of being completely open and sharing what I’ve learned and been through.

I took off yesterday and spent some time with the kids at one of our local parks. They had a BLAST playing with the other kids there. It was so nice to see them have fun doing it. It was just a perfect day to be outside.

They are just growing up way to quick! I’m so glad that I get to be there for them. I love to see their smiles and watching them play.

Jimmy is just growing up by leaps and bounds. I believe we’re entering the “teen year” stage way to early. However, he’s always been wise beyond his years. He’s trying to be a good kid overall!

What have you read lately that’s been good? 



Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “The Way of Grace Book Review”

  1. I appreciated your reflection on this book review–especially your thought about focusing on what God has for us, even when it may be a different path than others. I, too, struggle with trying to please and be perfect.
    Your own honesty encourages me within in my own walk and reminds me of the blessings God’s given me.

    • I’m glad that you found this post to be encouraging. I appreciate you sharing that you are also in the same situation.

  2. I really enjoyed the first two books in this series as well and didn’t realize there were more. Will be on the lookout for them now! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Looking forward to seeing you again this week!

    • You’re welcome. I am glad to know that I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed this series. It’s truly amazing. I’m eager to get the next one.

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