Tidbits Thursday 10/31

I don’t know how in the world 2013 is flying by so fast, but it feels like it’s going at a lightning speed for me. Is it doing that for you? 

Let me start off by sharing some of the neat things I’ve seen throughout my searches on the great Wide Web this week. The first thing that happened was I got a bit of an inspirational video that made me dig in my heels and really work it this week. This little dude produces a powerful punch with his little message.

Then I did some more blog hopping for both my blog and also someone else’s (notice my services page.) I came across so many amazing blogs. There are so many people that are truly making a killing blogging. They are using all of their resources and knowledge to create something awesome.

There are several different blog forums that are worth joining. All of these ladies in charge of these forums are making some pretty good dough each month. You figure at $5.00 a month times 1,000 plus members and the average fee for keeping a site going is less than $200 that’s over $4000 profit. It looks like a good bit of work, but it looks like FUN work. Who wants to join a forum on my site, talking about blogging opportunities, blogging tips, videos we find that are worth watching and sharing, and our lives in general?? Wouldn’t that be fun?? Speaking of forums, I’ve found another one that even has blogging classes as part of their membership. It’s called Mom Spark Media.

I’ve gone back to using HootSuite to help manage my social media sites and groups in one spot. One of my favorite bloggers has given us a quick easy tutorial on how to use HootSuite. I’ve also joined the banned wagon to get them to let us connect our personal Google+ pages within HootSuite.

Speaking of Google+, I’m still learning how to get the most of out. I’ve definitely been enjoying many of the wonderful Hangouts that have been airing by bloggers who are sharing their knowledge with us. However, I got an email to finally get rid of that remarkably long URL and actually use my NAME in the URL. Since I had a Fan Page for my blog (that just gets promotions of my blogs every now and then–which is really spammy–not recommending that anyone do that) I couldn’t use my Tidbits of Experience name. So now, my Google+ URL is : https://plus.google.com/+CrystalGreen/posts. So much easier to remember, and promote. Please don’t ask me how I got the invitation, but I did. I’m so glad I did!

Do Not and I repeat DO NOT waste your money on the books: How to Make Money Online by Mike Omar or How to Start A Blog That People Will Read by Mike Omar. They are the exact same book with the same exact information in it, the only thing he changed was the name of the book and the covers. I’m fuming mad about that detail! Plus he just primarily promotes his website all throughout the book. I’m confident he knows what he’s doing to earn money online, but he makes me wonder if he’s doing it the honest way just because of how he’s done these books!

Well, I’ve shared a lot of blogging information, and shared some blog love along the way.

Jimmy turned 10 years old on the 29th. We went to a local pumpkin patch. We were not overly impressed by the place at all. The corn maze was more of a field maze. Del could literally see all the way across the top of it with complete ease. The pumpkin patch was nothing more than a bunch of small half rotten pumpkins spread out across an open field. The kids had a blast, and that’s what counts the most! Jimmy considered it to be a great birthday because he got to hang out with friends from school and be with his entire family.

Zeva has been fighting a cold and teething like crazy all week. She’s being a trooper though. She’s trying not to be overly fussy.

Tell me how your week has been? Have you learned anything cool and unique this week? 

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

49 comments on “Tidbits Thursday 10/31”

    • It is definitely helpful to use it for sure. It is nice to be able to make a big shout out to all social media outlets at once too. Not to mention scheduling things in advance.

  1. There is so much good information about blogging I have found it is just wadding through all the others wanting to make a buck along the way to weed it out. I use Hootesuite but haven’t lately and need to get back to it, it helps so much!

    • You’re not kidding when you say there is so much information on blogging. I spend several hours a week trying to learn new and unique things that will help me and other bloggers. Glad to hear I gave you a friendly reminder about HootSuite.

  2. Thanks for this informative post. I have had my site for over a year, but because I was teaching full-time when I started it, I didn’t have the time to put into it until recently. There are so many sites that claim to offer sponsored posts and turn out to be total busts; it’s great to hear what works from someone who has been doing this for a while.

    And I totally agree that this year is FLYING by! I can’t believe today is Halloween! It seems like it was just last week that I was putting in my grades for the end of the school year, and now it’s mid-fall. Crazy.

    • Glad to know I’m not alone with feeling like this year is just going by way too fast! I do a fair share amount of sponsored posts. Do you want a list of where I get them from?

  3. I’m part of Mom Spark Media as well, although I haven’t really spent much time over there as of late. You’re right that there are a ton of forums with great communities.

  4. I just discovered HootSuite recently and I love it. There are lots of free sites/forums you can join as well to help you grow your blog. I know I recently researched into it and things have exploded for me since I started with it.

  5. I saw that same email and I keep forgetting to go change our Google + name. I’m going to do it right this minute so I don’t forget again!! I need to check out HootSuite, too! –Lisa

    • Glad you got the email too. 🙂 It seems like it will help people be more involved with Google +. At least I would think so.

  6. I’ve heard of HootieSuite, but I am not really sure what it is. Doesn’t it have to do with Twitter? I don’t use Google plus that much because I think it’s falling to the wayside and fast.

    • I haven’t got a solid opinion about Google plus going up or down, but I do feel it has a lot to offer if people could figure out how to use it to the fullest. As far as HootSuite, it’s a system that lets you put all of your social media information in one location. Plus you can schedule social media posts to go out when you want them too. Makes life a lot easier on you. 😉

  7. One of those books was recommended by several people so I decided to get one after I had been blogging a while, I was so glad I bought a used one because the only thing it ended up being good for was to entertain my dogs as a chew toy (they took it when I was not looking). I love MSM and Hootsuite is my favorite tool, going to one spot to see everything I want for social media is a great time saver. I do not think you can ever know all that there is to know about blogging, I am just grateful for all the bloggers that actually help each other.

    • I have to totally agree with you that there are so many bloggers more than willing to help out. It makes life so much better. I’ve read some really good blogging books that have actually helped me, but there has been a lot of dudes too. Glad you’re a part of MSM too. 🙂

    • I am so grateful for all of the bloggers who have helped me and continue to help me along the way. Blogging is forever changing all the time.

    • It definitely does help with keeping one more organized that’s for sure. It helps with scheduling post shout outs ahead of time. I’m still learning how to best take advantage of my membership too.

  8. I just started getting into the Google+ hangouts and they are really cool. I wish I had more time to do more of them. It seems like I never have enough time to learn all the Things I have on my plate to learn. You are doing awesome gathering up all your tidbits of learning.

    • I definitely agree with you that there are just so many things to learn and grab ahold of and there aren’t enough hours in a day to learn/view it all. That’s one of the reasons why I started these blogging tips posts. I’m glad you’re enjoying them.

  9. Ugg i hate books that just promote the authors paid website pretty much the whole book. I got this book called “natural cures they don’t want you to know about” and that is ALL that is in the book. What a waste of time and money! I have google+ but I don’t really use it and i’ve never heard of Hoot share. I’ll have to look into it.

    • That is definitely a waste of money and frustrating. I lost money on not only one book, but two from this author! Sounds like he’s not the only one doing this schemey behavior.
      I think if Google+ were more user friendly and had allowed us to pick our URL’s from the start it would have done so much better. They have many cool features once you dig into it and get use to using it.

  10. I’ve been using HootSuite for my Twitter stuff, but I really need to investigate getting more use out of it. That will be my next project.

  11. I use hootsuite on a daily basis! It is a great tool. I have to check out Mom Spark Media as I have not heard of that group yet! Thank you for the information!

  12. I’ve heard such great things about Mom Spark Media but keep forgetting to sign up. Thanks for the reminder. I’ve also become a Google+ convert. I’m in a google hangout at least weekly and love interacting over there.

    • Amiyrah,

      You want to write up a post about what you’ve learned about Google+ and how to get the most out of it for us?? There are a few good articles about it, but not many. I’m eager to learn about it because I do enjoy being on there, but that’s not where a lot of people are YET. I think if they learn how to use it that they will quickly forget about Facebook. 😉

  13. I finally jumped on the Hootsuite train, and I have to admit, it is definitely helpful! I still need to learn a bit more, and I definitely need to look into more Google + tips. Thanks for the helpful links!

    • You’re welcome for the links. I try to produce new ones every week or at least tidbits of helpfulness. I have a lot of fun creating these posts each week.

  14. I haven’t had much luck with Google+ but that could be because I haven’t had the time to really learn about it. I’ve been just using FB and Twitter. I’m not looking to monetize my blog as yet but when I do I’ll be sure to come back to these tips. Thanks for sharing.

    • I know what you mean about not having time to learn it all. I have plenty of resources that will teach me how to gain the most from everything online. However, I have yet to dig into any of them per say, like I should. I think I have to much fun doing the research to find these neat and cool ways of earning income or enhancing a blog way to much!

  15. Great info here!! I am hurrying through and I don’t have time to check all of your links so I pinned this on my Blogging Info board so when I have the time I can go back and read everything. I am interested in the forums that you were speaking about. I also got the invite from Google offering the page URL but haven’t heard back yet if it was accepted because I requested a name other than what they suggested for me. I am crossing my fingers!!

    • I’m glad that you have it pinned. 🙂 I try to give some blogging tips every Thursday. I hope you find them useful. I hope you get the site URL that you want with Google+.

  16. A few years back, I planned on starting a forum and did the math on the whole $5 subscription thing. I never followed through, but it would be fun money to make!!

    • I totally agree with you that I think it would definitely be a fun way to make money for sure. I just don’t think I’d get enough people interested in being a part of it.

  17. I completely agree with you. I’m a middle school teacher and I was just commenting to someone how quickly the school year is going. Last night I told my sister that I feel like Christmas is still far away but that it will creep up on us before we know it.

    • I wish time would slow down just a bit. It feels like yesterday I gave birth to all of my kids, and they are just growing up so quickly. Life is also changing rapidly in my life too. So, I definitely want it to slow down just a bit.

  18. I need to learn google+ more. There is so much to learn that some of it is confusing. I tried Hootsuite and found that confusing. Thanks for the great tips.

  19. Thank you for all your tips, I really need to get into those more and spend more time, since I roll in the same environment and need to grow.

    • Your welcome. I’m still learning as I go too! It feels like we’ll never stop learning all the ins and outs of blogging and social media.

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