The True Reason For The Season

I was given the book The Sparkle Box in exchange for an honest blog review and hosting a giveaway. 

The Sparkle Box 

From the press:

Sam is so excited about Christmas! He’s thinking about his Christmas list, looking forward to holiday parties, and puzzling over one very mysterious gift: a sparkly box sitting on the mantel. In the midst of the festivities, Sam and his family participate in various acts of kindness to others. On Christmas morning, when Sam finally opens the Sparkle Box, he finds only slips of paper that record the family’s good deeds. Sam’s mom explains that the things that they’ve been doing are, in fact, a gift for Jesus, for Jesus said that whatever we do for those in need, we do for Him.
Written by Jill Hardie
Illustrated by Christine Kornacki
Available now!
Hardcover with jacket, 10 x 10, 32 pages, with a fold-out sparkle box included!
ages 4 to 8

My Review

This is a heartwarming story that is perfect for the holiday season. I’ve been taught growing up that Jesus is the reason for the season.”  This book definitely falls right along those lines. I feel that every child (and some adults) need to really read this book every holiday season.

I think we’ve become such a materialistic world that we have forgotten just how valuable a gift a helping hand really is. I will NEVER forget how my church literally gave my family a full 8ft truck bed worth of groceries when I broke my ankle and couldn’t work, and we had no income coming in. Or when my mom was dying of cancer, her neighbors and friends pitched in to help her keep her horse well fed and taken care of so she could keep him in her yard until her final days, they also helped her keep her house clean since they knew how much she valued having a clean home, and they did so much more that I can’t even list it all. Or when I was bedridden during my last pregnancy I had some wonderful friends who came and cleaned my home for me, and my mother-in-law pitched in a lot to help keep things running smoothly. These are just a few examples of MANY I could list off of how acts of service or giving to those who need it is such a valuable gift.

I love doing Operation Christmas Children with my kids every year. My kids love doing it too because they love knowing they are helping out others. Every so often my kids literally go through their toys on their own and want to go donate them to Salvation Army here in town. Delbert is my big giver in the family. He loves to shower others with gifts or pitch in and help any way he can. When they read this book they were quick to list off doing the shoeboxes for the kids in need. They literally spent the last two days going through all of their toys too.

Create Your Own Sparkle Box

You have a chance to win this book for your family (or give it as a gift.) The book comes complete with a Sparkle Box. This is open to US and Canada residents 18 and older. Just fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win. Winner must reply to winning email within 48 hours of notice being sent with required information to get your prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can find out more about this book here: 

Book Trailer:
Author Video:

What Christmas traditions do you have with your family?



Book Reviews

Photo of author


I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

29 comments on “The True Reason For The Season”

  1. We try to donate monthly to the Women’s Shelter here. My heart breaks thinking of kids going without this time of year. We are cleaning toy boxes and closets right now.

  2. When we volunteered with our daughter at the local city mission (shelter w/ meals) to have her see how some people live, how lucky she is, how grateful she should be and that helping others is a HUGE deal and so very important 🙂

    • I forgot to say . . . The first thing we would put in the box is a family donation to feed a family through World Vision.

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