10 Things Every Person Should Know How to Do

There is a long list of things that I feel every person should know how to do in life BEFORE they leave the care of their parents. I had the pleasure of reviewing the book 101 Things Every Girl Should Know by the Faithgirlz. The authors listed off some really good things that every girl should know how to do. However, I wanted to touch base on 10 things every person should know how to do from this book.

Arrive EARLY!

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone is late!!

[Tweet “Showing up late says to everyone that you don’t care about or respect them.~ Marie Harville”]

It also goes beyond being respectful though. It gives you time to prepare for whatever tasks lay ahead of you. Let’s not forget, that if you run into trouble along the way (i.e. car trouble, traffic, or other issues), you’ve got a few minutes’ leeway to work with.

Keep A Gratitude Journal

This is something that someone mentioned to me, while I was pregnant with Zeva, that she does when she’s having a harsh day. I learned while reading this book that it was a “scientifically proven” to help.

[Tweet “Take time to appreciate the finer things in life.”]

A beautiful sunset, a simple smile from someone you love, or even a good book are all things we tend to take granted all too often. Many also fail to make time for our family as frequently as we should.

Drink More Water

I have heard from many people how they can’t stand water. Yet, drinking water has many health benefits for the one consuming it. There are so many ways it can be drunk too. Water is my primary drink of choice, and I can always tell a huge decline in how I feel when I drink other things.

[Tweet “Water is the true drink that will fuel your body.”]

Love Life Unplugged

I schedule time throughout my day to spend with just the kids. I strive to make a full day once a week where the kids and I take off to some place where technology is the farthest thing from our minds with the exception of my camera to capture the moments we’re having.

[Tweet “Spending time away from technology opens your minds to many possibilities.”]

Never Gossip Again

Oh, how I wish I had never picked up this nasty habit! It doesn’t do me or anyone else any favors when you talk about others. (So, if I ever gossiped about you, know how truly sorry I am!!)

We shouldn’t be budding our nose in other people’s lives. It’s not our business! It’s NOT our place to tell anyone else’s life story. If they want someone to know they have the ability to say it.

[Tweet “It’s far better to keep our mouths shut than to talk about others!”]

Bust a Bad Habit

Everyone needs to know how to bust a bad habit. I don’t know of a single person who hasn’t gotten themselves into doing something that is wrong at some point in their lives. The 101 Things Every Girl Should Know actually gives some practical tips to help break some of the common habits girls start.

[Tweet “Busting a bad habit is easier than you may think.”]

Quit Procrastinating

This is a skill that I haven’t yet conquered. However, I when I DON’T fall prey to this downfall, I do get a lot accomplished in a quick manner. I find that I spend more time avoiding doing a task than what it actually took me to DO it.

[Tweet “Gain more free time—Just STOP procrastinating.”]

Read More Books

Reading is one of my favorite past times. Reading has allowed me to become knowledgeable about a wide range of topics. I also love the fact that I can escape reality just by curling up in a corner and reading a book. I love the fact that my kids and I share this passion together.

[Tweet “Reading books leads to more knowledge.”]

Ask for Help

Regardless how much we’d love to be able to succeed on our own in business it’s impossible! Learning how to ask for help is a valuable asset that can help a person go from the bottom to the top rather quickly in life.

[Tweet “Asking for help will help you achieve your dreams faster.”]

Admit You Made a Mistake

I will be the first one to tell you that I am far from perfect. I strive to not make mistakes, but when I do I own up to them. I like sleeping with a clear conscious.

[Tweet “Admitting when you’re wrong allows you to sleep better at night.”]

There are 91 other wonderful things listed in the 101 Things Every Girl Should Know book that are worth reading. In many cases, they even tell the reader HOW to implement those things now. It’s a quick, easy read. I’m sure your teenage girl will appreciate you giving it to her. I feel it’s a brilliant way to pass on some bits of wisdom during the rookie years without having to be ‘preachy’.

What is one bit of wisdom you think every girl should know?  

I got this book to review. You can get books to review also.
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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

34 comments on “10 Things Every Person Should Know How to Do”

  1. I love this list, Crystal. I try to do most of these things. I have to admit I’m not very good at asking for help or drinking more water or not procrastinating. I have some goals to work towards. 🙂

    • I do too in many ways. I thought this was all good advice because it is the common things that most people don’t do (myself included.)

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Thank you for checking them out. I felt like there is so much more I could have added to this list easily. Everything they mentioned in the book is important.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  2. Heck yes on the reading more books. I love to read.

    And I hate when people are late. I can forgive up to 10 minutes. Past that and I’m all, “WTF?”

    • We have something in common already. I love when I can meet people who share similar interests and grievances in life.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  3. What a great list 🙂 I really should give this gratitude journal a try. And work on not procrastinating too much.

    Stopping by from the SITS #sharefest – have a great week!

    • The gratitude journal will change your life in many positive ways. At least it has for me and those I know who do it.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  4. Awesome list and I feel good knowing that I teach my kids these things already. It’s so important to me for them to know how to be responsible and respectful human beings who know how to survive without a phone glued to their faces or feel better about themselves by bringing others down. This list is a must-read for society!

    • Thank you for checking it out. I’m glad that you’re teaching your kids these things.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  5. Those are ten great tips. I agree that everyone should know these things before reaching adulthood especially arriving on time because it truly shows that you value others and their time.

    • I’m glad that you liked this list. I wish more people agreed with us that being on time is a vital skill to learn in life.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  6. This sounds like a wonderful book! A few of these like read more, drink more water, and procrastinating I need to work on now. #ProductReviewParty

    • I’m guilty of procrastinating far more than I should. I could never read as much as I really want to read. Water is my primary choice of drink.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I am glad I gave you a book worth considering to read/share. I hope to see you again soon. Thank you for hosting a great linkup.

  7. These are great tips and I totally agree with you about being on time. I think it is so rude and though I’m rarely late, I at least call if I am running a few minutes behind!
    Visiting from Small Victories Sunday

    • That’s vital in my book. If you know you’re going to be late it’s the least a person can do.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • I’ve found that when we admit our shortcomings it opens us up to many new accomplishments because others are willing to help us overcome them. It’s not always easy to own up to them though!

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • I’m glad you liked this list. If you like this list, I’m confident you’ll like the book even more.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  8. This is such a great list!! Some are no brainers that we really don’t think about, but we should! And others are easier said than done…like breaking a bad habit! Love it! Thanks for sharing at #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup!

    • Thank you for checking out the list. I believe you’ll love the book if you like this small list.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • You’re welcome. The authors of this book put together 90 other things well worth knowing too. I am glad you checked out this list.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  9. I love these tips! I need to drink more water! I would also love to start a gratitude journal. I’m sure that would help me to think more positively. I’m glad I stopped by from #SmallVictories

    • I’m glad that you stopped by too. The gratitude journal is sure to change your outlook on life for sure!

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Your welcome. I’m glad that you liked the list.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  10. I love this list! I was going to comment on one of my fav things off the list, but honestly I like them all & need to practice them more…that procrastinating one, ugh! Great post! Coming over from Small Victories Sunday Linkup.

  11. That’s a great post. I will surely incorporate these in my life. This is undoubtedly the best thing I read today.


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