5 Ways To Make Your Home Cozier

You certainly want your home to be as cozy and comfortable as possible, yet you might be at a loss about how to make this happen. Actually, you don’t have to spend much time or money to give your home a cozy upgrade. Read on for five fun suggestions.

Warm Lights

If you want to make your home cozier, choose lights in soft, muted tones. They can still be bright enough to read or work by, but they do not have to be glaring. Bulbs come in many different tones, from a more yellowish warm white to a clear, cool white. You will want to select bulbs on the warmer end of the scale. Further, be sure to shade your light bulbs properly. A stark, unshaded bulb offers a bleak look that is not cozy at all.

For more atmosphere, you can put your lights on a smart system, which will allow them to dim and even change color (with the right bulbs) at a mere word. You can also add strings of light in strategic locations for an interesting touch and leave a nightlight burning in dark areas for a bit of warm glow.

Comfortable Fabrics

You can also make your home more cozy through comfortable fabrics. Position rugs on laminate or hardwood floors to add warmth. You can even place them on top of carpeting for a pop of color and added softness. Drape throws and blankets over chairs and couches, and use plenty of pillows for texture and extra relaxation. Hang draperies at the windows to soften the light and provide a layer of insulation against cold days.

Soft Music

Music goes a long way toward adding coziness to your home. Play soft music in the background, classical, for instance, or easy listening. You may not find yourself listening to it all that closely, but it will provide a backdrop for your activities, and you might just discover that you are humming along.

Soothing Scents

Don’t forget the all-important sense of smell when it comes to making your home cozy. Harsh smells destroy the comfort of your space, so combat them with air fresheners, candles or essential oils. For something different, you might try the best wax warmer. This device gently heats small squares of wax, allowing them to release their scents gradually for a long-lasting fragrance. Experiment with scents, too, perhaps starting with old favorites like apple cinnamon or lavender but then trying something different like popcorn or bookstore.

Interesting Decorations

Finally, add some interesting decorative items to your home, pieces that you enjoy looking at and/or using and that make you feel nice and cozy. You might hang up colorful pieces of art, mirrors or an arrangement of family photographs for a wall accent, for example. Baskets of books or magazines provide a welcoming touch, too, as do unique knickknacks. Plants and fresh flowers may also make your home fell cozier. Just be careful not to go overboard. You don’t want to turn cozy into clutter.

With a few simple touches, your home will be cozier, more comfortable and delightful welcoming for your guests and yourself.



Home Improvement

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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