I decided that today needed to be all about kids books. I try to do that, at least, one Saturday a month. Some months that may not always happen, but we’re hoping to get enough books each month to do it. Our kids had a good time with this months books.
Blueberry Bubble Gum is such a remarkable book from the start to the finish! It is about a boy who refuses to follow his parents orders and lies. His Dad gives him a bag full of blueberry bubble gum with strict orders to not eat them until his Dad has the chance to read him the directions for these magic blueberry bubble gumballs. Well, like a typical 7-year-old boy, he had to sneak and eat them. Some pretty amazingly funny things ended up happening to the boy. I don’t want to spoil the fun for you and your kids by telling what happens. However, I can guarantee you that your kids and you will have a field day reading this little book together. Now I have a way of giving my kids a gentle push in the right direction that makes them laugh but yet gets my point across too.
I personally feel that Fear No Numbers: How to Multiply Or Divide & Always Get It Right
merely gives an old view approach to teaching kids an easier way to multiply and divide. I was personally never taught this method when I was growing up. (Of course, with my dyslexic brain isn’t harder to comprehend this than the normal memorization manner.) However, Jimmy gobbled up the information in this book like it was his golden key to conquering this information. It must have helped because he’s doing a lot better with his multiplication and division now.
Diva Pearl Pekingese: Life After Show Biz for a Pekingese (Volume 1) kept my kids attention because of all the lovely pictures in this book. The pictures are worth having if you’re a Pekingese fan. I wasn’t overly impressed with the dog’s life story. However, as a dog lover, this made for a cute read with the kids. Zeva was really enjoying flipping through this book several times looking at the pictures. In her mind, this is her book, and if it makes her happy…then it makes me happy.
This last book is part of a wonderful little series about different countries. My kids and I both have enjoyed this series a lot because we don’t know a lot about other cultures and countries.
If you were me and lived in… South Korea: A Child’s Introduction to Cultures around the World (If You Were Me and Lived in… A Child’s Introduction to Culture’s Around the World) is filled with short bits of information about South Korea. The illustrations are just as adorable in this one as they have been in the rest of the series. It definitely helps teach the kids and me about other parts of the world. We all can benefit from reading these short little books. They give us simple easy things to compare to.
They make teaching about culture a fun and enjoyable experience.
What is your favorite kids book to read?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review my first book Blueberry Bubble Gum. I am very happy that you enjoyed reading it…my kids love reading it as a family too! My hopes are that all families can enjoy this book together all while learning lessons along the way. Thank you and Take Care, Mahamad Ali ElFakir
Trust me when I say it was our pleasure to do it. We had so much fun reading it that they couldn’t wait to tell their cousin about it when he came over. He is a teenager and read it from cover to cover and stated it was a cute book as well. So, you’ve done something remarkable in that little book!!
Your response made my day! I am hoping that people will start to hear about the book and enjoy it just as much as all of you have! Thank you again for everything!
The Little series looks very interesting. DD loves to read about different places and this would be a great addition to her reading shelf. Definitely looking for it at the library. Thanks for sharing reviews!
They are a great series. I highly recommend them. They are very short books, but they are packed full of information.
Hello. The book is only available online at this time (both ebook and physical book are online). I am looking to get it into libraries soon! Hope that you check out the book and let me know how you like it. Take Care, Mahamad Ali ElFakir
Blueberry Bubble Gum sounds like it would be a real winner around our house! I’m so glad you shared about it at Booknificent Thursday! Hope to see you again soon.
Tina from mommynificent.com
Hello Tina, let me know if you check out Blueberry Bubble Gum and if you do I hope you enjoy it! Take Care, Mahamad Ali ElFakir