I am no beauty queen by any stretch of the imagination. Gosh knows, my hands take a beating and have to keep going. I don’t have the funds or the time go get them manicured as much as I would like. So, I definitely try out many different lotions as I can. I have even got my mother-in-law and best friend into trying out some of these lotions with me.
This is the first lotion that we’ve seen and felt a difference with our hands within a few days. It also claims that it works wonders on your lips as well. However, I’m learning that my lips are ultra sensitive lately. I did NOT like the way they made my lips feel at all. The taste of the lotion is enough to make you wonder, “Why did I just try that?”
I don’t get to do my fingernails very often, so my hands never look completely put together unless I JUST did them.So please ignore how my fingernails look in this picture.
This picture was taken on 12/28/2012 |
Now look at this picture taken today after I used my favorite nail polish again and made my hands a bit more presentable.
You may not be able to tell the differences in the rough patches around my fingernails like I can, but there is definitely a nice difference.
By the way, since we’re on the topic of finger nail polish and such..don’t you love Pure Ice and their wonderful selections of colors (I’d love to be a reviewer for them just to be able to gain FREE nail polish from them because I could easily go broke getting all the colors that they have that I adore.) This one is called Pure Ice A List.
What is your favorite nail polish brand and color?? Let’s do some comparison here together. 🙂 Do you have a hand cream that you like a lot, if so what brand any why?
Disclosure: I was given Neutrogena hand cream to try out free from Bzzagent.com. However, that in no way affected my opinion.
Hi there – new follower from the blog hop! Love your blog and can’t wait to read more! Hope you have a great day! 🙂
I am always having the most difficult time with my skin being dry in the winter, I will have to see how well this lotion helps with that.
Also, I am a new follower from the blog hop. http://www.markersmessesbeauty.blogspot.com