Abel’s Field Movie Review

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This movie was a great drama. I loved the story behind this as well because it definitely shows that people can reach success even when they think they can’t. Everyone comes into our lives for a reason even if we don’t know what that reason is at the time.
It also shows just how God is able to turn something bad into a positive. Plus God uses his people to help us throughout our lives. I will never forget when I broke my ankle and was knocked flat on my behind and was a newly wed and my ex-husband wasn’t working either.. my mom went to the church and told them what had happened. Next thing I know, she comes to our house with an 8 truck bed FULL of food!! We didn’t run out of food for at least seven months. The church members were God’s helpers at that time in my life.
I had to look at that food all the time because I was stuck motionless because of how bad my ankle was broke. I was itching to return to work to be independent again. That had been my second time being bed ridden (I’ve been bed ridden a grand total of 4 times now.) However, there was a huge difference between the first time and the second time.. the difference was I wasn’t alone. I had my faith restored thanks to their kindness. Not to mention, the visits I had as well. I was in a dark place at that time still in my life. However, I also pulled out of that darkness thanks to their love and God’s help.
This boy in this movie was also in a dark and scary place in his life. However, God showed him that if he relies on him and trusts in him that things will turn out for the good.
My five year old loved the movie. He watched it with great intensity. I was really surprised. However, he also does have a HUGE loving heart and he’d give you the shirt off his back if he felt it would make you feel better. I enjoyed it as well, and even passed on my copy to my in-laws to watch. When they are done, I’ll be passing it on to my best friend.
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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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