Homeschool Art: ARTistic Pursuits Inc. – 4-5 Book One Review

My kids have inherited the desire to be little creative munchkins from my mother-in-law. I praise God every day that there is someone in our family who has a passion for arts and crafts in our family for them to learn from. When I told her about us having the chance to review ARTistic Pursuits Inc. 4-5 Book One she was quick to say she would review it with Delbert because he loves art the most. He’s always looking for ways to use his artistic talents compared to Jimmy and Zeva.

About ARTistic Pursuits Inc. 4-5 Book One

ARTistic Pursuits Inc. 4-5 Book One is designed for kids ages 9 and up. It is a guide that will allow kids to learn how various aspects of Art independently. They even learn some art history along the way. Children also gain the ability to expand their art skills drawing things that interest them. They learn how to do pencil drawing, scratch art, and the use of markers.

Our Review

This is one product my kids and mother-in-law couldn’t wait to review. Unfortunately, Momma’s health took a turn for the worse after we received this book so they weren’t able to finish as many lessons as they had hoped they would. However, Delbert was able to take this book and create some pieces of artwork on his own without much guidance from her. That allowed him to still have quality time with her while she rested. They got the chance to bond with him learning new skills.

When she first got this book in her hands she was a bit intimidated for Delbert. She felt these drawings were going to be too advanced for Delbert to handle. Yet, as Delbert went through the book and followed their directions she found that he was able to handle these pieces of art far better than she anticipated. This guide truly made Delbert feel like he could accomplish being one of the esteemed artists he read about in the book.

Here is his first drawing he did:

He also made this beautiful silhouette.

Overall Delbert and Momma LOVED this program. The lessons are easy to follow. He didn’t feel like they were  too hard. Yet at the same time, he was still challenged enough to keep his interest alive.

I know that they have grand plans of doing, even more, lessons together. I can’t wait until he draws me a horse. The book has some decent drawings of horses in it. I imagine Delbert will do a fine job of creating a beautiful horse drawing for me to display in my office.Delbert can’t wait to do more.

I like the fact that this workbook also covers the history of many famous artists including Remington, Audubon, Copley, and others. I may not know or even appreciate a lot of history information, but I do see the value in knowing about it.

Learn More About ARTistic Pursuits Inc.

ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Review

You can learn more about ARTistic Pursuits Inc. by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook.

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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