5 Best Degrees for Starting Your Own Business: Unlock Success Now!

Are you dreaming of starting your own business, but unsure which degree to pursue? Many aspiring entrepreneurs face this dilemma. Studies show that 44% of new businesses fail within the first 5 years.

But don’t worry! This article will guide you through the best degrees for starting your own business. We’ll explore how these degrees can boost your chances of success. Ready to unlock your entrepreneurial potential?

Key Takeaways

The top 5 degrees for starting a business are Business Administration, Marketing, Finance, Computer Science, and Engineering.

A degree boosts credibility, builds confidence, and enhances competency for entrepreneurs.

44% of new businesses fail within 5 years, but a relevant degree can improve success chances.

Over half of U.S. business owners have a bachelor’s degree, showing its importance.

Certifications offer a quicker, cheaper alternative to full degrees for gaining specific skills.

Why a Degree Matters for Entrepreneurs

A mid-30s entrepreneur confidently presenting a detailed business plan in a home office.

A degree can be your secret weapon in the business world. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife – packed with tools to help you slice through challenges and build your empire.

Gain Credibility

A confident business owner in a modern office holding an MBA degree.

A degree can boost your credibility as a business owner. It shows you’ve got the smarts and drive to stick with something tough. Customers, investors, and partners often trust degree holders more.

They figure you know your stuff. Plus, your education gives you skills that make you stand out. It’s like having a secret weapon in your business toolkit.

I think back to starting my first business. My MBA helped me land meetings with big-shot investors. They took me seriously because of my degree. It opened doors I never knew existed.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. – Malcolm X

If you’re considering what to do with an MBA, starting a business is a great option. Your degree can be your ticket to success in the business world.

Build Confidence

A young woman confidently leads a business presentation in a modern office.

Gaining credibility is just the start. Building confidence is where the magic happens. A solid education boosts your self-assurance in big ways. You’ll tackle tough problems head-on and trust your gut more often.

Plus, you’ll feel ready to take smart risks – a must for any budding entrepreneur.

Think of confidence as your secret weapon. It helps you pitch ideas like a pro and lead teams with ease. Through your studies, you’ll practice public speaking and teamwork. These skills are gold when you’re running the show.

And here’s the kicker – as your know-how grows, so does your faith in yourself. It’s a win-win that sets you up for success in the business world.

Enhance Competency

A focused male entrepreneur works on his laptop in a modern office.

Education sharpens your business skills. It’s like a toolbox for entrepreneurs. You’ll learn how to crunch numbers, talk to customers, and lead teams. These skills help you make smart choices for your company.

Plus, you’ll get better at solving tricky problems that pop up in business.

Learning doesn’t stop after school. Great business owners keep growing their know-how. They read books, take classes, and learn from others. This helps them stay ahead in a fast-changing world.

Next, let’s look at the best degrees for starting your own business.

Best Degrees to Launch Your Business

A confident young woman presents her business plan in a home office.

Picking the right degree can turbocharge your business dreams. Let’s dive into five top choices that’ll give you a leg up in the entrepreneurial world.

Business Administration

A cluttered desk in a softly lit office with business-related items.

Business Administration is a powerhouse degree for budding entrepreneurs. It covers all the bases – finance, accounting, management, and marketing. You’ll learn how to crunch numbers, lead teams, and sell your ideas.

Plus, it’s a real confidence booster! Over half of business owners have a bachelor’s degree, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s no coincidence, ladies.

PLNU offers Business Administration programs with a focus on entrepreneurship. It’s perfect if you’re dreaming of starting your own company. And if you’re looking to level up, there are MBA options too.

Business Administration isn’t just a degree, it’s a toolkit for success.

You can go full-time for two years, sprint through it in one year, or take it slow with part-time or online classes. It’s all about what fits your life and goals.


A small business owner brainstorming in cozy home office with colorful notes.

Moving from business admin to marketing, we see a shift in focus. Marketing degrees shine in today’s fast-paced world. They teach you how to grab people’s attention and keep it. You’ll learn to craft messages that stick and spread like wildfire.

This know-how is gold for any business owner.

A marketing degree arms you with tools to understand your customers. You’ll dive into their minds, figuring out what makes them tick. This insight helps you create ads that hit home.

You’ll also master the art of building a strong brand image. These skills are key to growing your business and staying ahead of the pack. With a marketing degree, you’re set to make your mark in the business world.


A young woman in business attire working on financial analysis.

Finance degrees pack a punch for women starting businesses. You’ll learn the nuts and bolts of money matters – from crunching numbers to reading financial reports. This know-how is gold when you’re chasing funding or dealing with investors.

Plus, you’ll get the scoop on economics, accounting, and management. It’s like a Swiss Army knife for your business toolkit!

Many schools offer specialized MBA programs in finance. These can be a game-changer for gals with big dreams. You’ll dive into advanced topics and rub elbows with future movers and shakers.

It’s not just book learning, either – you’ll tackle real-world problems and build a network that could open doors down the road. So if you’re itching to be your own boss, a finance degree might just be your ticket to success.

Computer Science

An open laptop on a cluttered desk with computer science books.

Moving from finance to computer science, we enter a world of digital innovation. Computer science offers women a powerful toolkit for business success. This field blends programming skills with business know-how.

It’s a hot ticket in today’s tech-driven market.

Computer science grads are in high demand. The job market is booming, with a 23% growth rate expected. That’s way above average! Women with this degree can create cutting-edge software or launch tech startups.

They’re equipped to solve complex problems and drive innovation. Plus, they can tap into the growing fields of AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.

In computer science, the sky’s not the limit. It’s just the beginning. – Unknown


A woman in a hard hat and safety vest stands in a manufacturing plant, observing machinery.

Engineering degrees are powerful for aspiring entrepreneurs. They teach critical thinking and problem-solving – essential skills for business owners. If you’re into improving processes, industrial engineering could be perfect.

It focuses on optimizing systems and operations. Other fields like civil or chemical engineering can also be valuable.

My friend Sarah, who studied engineering, is now thriving with her eco-friendly product line. Her degree taught her to tackle challenges and find innovative solutions. Engineering isn’t just about constructing bridges or robots.

It sharpens your mind, helping you develop solid business plans and manage your venture effectively. You’ll also gain tech knowledge – crucial in today’s digital landscape.

How Specific Degrees Benefit Entrepreneurs

A mid-30s male entrepreneur confidently presents a business plan in an office.

Specific degrees can supercharge your business journey. They equip you with tools and know-how that’ll give you an edge in the market.

Business Degree: Expand Networking Opportunities

A business degree opens doors to a world of connections. It’s not just about hitting the books. You’ll rub elbows with industry pros and future movers and shakers. These links can be gold when you’re ready to launch your own gig.

Plus, over half of U.S. business owners have a bachelor’s degree. That’s no coincidence!

Think of your degree as a key to an exclusive club. You’ll get to join student groups, attend conferences, and take part in internships. These chances let you build relationships that can last a lifetime.

Your network is your net worth. – Tim Sanders

And when you need advice, funding, or partners for your startup? You’ll have a ready-made network to tap into. It’s like planting seeds for your future business garden.

Marketing Degree: Analyze Consumer Behavior

Moving from networking to consumer insights, a marketing degree shines. It teaches you to grasp why people buy. You’ll learn to spot trends and predict what folks want. This know-how is gold for any business owner.

A marketing degree arms you with tools to dig deep into buyer habits. You’ll learn faster how to craft messages that hit home.

It’s not just about ads – it’s about getting inside your customer’s head. With these skills, you can shape your brand to fit what people crave. That’s how you stay ahead in today’s fast-paced market.

Finance Degree: Master Financial Planning and Analysis

A finance degree arms you with powerful money skills. You’ll learn to crunch numbers, read financial statements, and make smart cash choices. This know-how is gold for running your own biz.

Think of it as your secret weapon for managing funds and wooing investors.

But it’s not just about dollars and cents. A finance degree teaches you to spot market trends and grasp economic shifts. You’ll get the scoop on stocks, bonds, and even cryptocurrencies.

These skills help you plan for your company’s future and dodge financial pitfalls. It’s like having a crystal ball for your business’s money matters!

Computer Science Degree: Drive Technological Innovation

Computer science grads are tech superstars! They’re the minds behind cool gadgets and apps we use daily. With a 23% job growth rate, this field is booming. Ladies, imagine yourself creating the next big thing.

You’ll learn to code, tackle challenging problems, and think like a computer expert. It’s more than just typing 1s and 0s all day.

You’ll explore software design too, according to the programming enthusiasts at Geek Extreme. This degree combines tech expertise with business savvy.

It’s ideal for gals who want to transform industries with fresh ideas. I recall my first coding class – it felt like learning a hidden language. Now, I use those skills to build my own tech startup.

Believe me, a computer science degree can be your gateway to innovation city!

Engineering Degree: Develop Problem Solving and Product Skills

Engineering degrees pack a punch for budding entrepreneurs. They teach you to think critically and solve problems – key skills for business success. You’ll learn to break down complex issues and find smart solutions.

This know-how comes in handy when planning your business or managing day-to-day operations.

But that’s not all! Engineering programs often focus on creating new products. You’ll gain hands-on experience in design and development. This practical knowledge is gold when you’re dreaming up your next big idea.

Plus, many engineering fields, like industrial engineering, teach you to make systems run smoother. Imagine applying that to your future company – talk about a competitive edge!

Choosing the Right Degree for Your Business Ambitions

A cluttered home office desk with college brochures and business books.

Picking the perfect degree for your business dreams isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. It’s about finding what clicks with your goals and sparks your passion – like finding that perfect pair of shoes that just feels right.

Talk to Successful Entrepreneurs

Grab a coffee with successful business owners. They’ve been in your shoes and can share real-world tips. These chats offer insights you won’t find in textbooks. Ask about their degree choices and how they’ve used that knowledge.

You might hear surprising stories about degrees that helped in unexpected ways. Some may even tell you why they skipped college altogether. These talks can shape your own path and spark new ideas for your future business.

Don’t be shy – reach out on LinkedIn or at local networking events. Many entrepreneurs love sharing their journey with aspiring business owners. They might reveal tricks for balancing studies with startup dreams.

Or share how certain courses gave them an edge in their industry. These conversations can help you decide if a degree is right for your goals. Plus, you’ll start building valuable connections in the business world.

Evaluate Cost-Benefit

After chatting with successful entrepreneurs, it’s time to crunch some numbers. Let’s talk money, honey! Weighing the costs and benefits of your degree is crucial. Think about tuition fees, time investment, and potential earnings.

A bachelor’s degree holder typically earns $1,334 per week, while someone with just a high school diploma makes $809. That’s a big difference! But don’t forget to factor in student loans and lost income while studying.

Ask yourself: Will this degree boost my business skills enough to justify the cost? Maybe a cheaper online course or certification could give you the same edge. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between investing in yourself and keeping your bank account happy.

Explore Relevant Certifications

Relevant certifications can boost your business know-how. They’re like mini-degrees that pack a punch. I’ve seen many women entrepreneurs level up with certs in project management or digital marketing.

These programs often cost less and take less time than full degrees. Plus, they zero in on skills you need right now. For example, a Small Business Management cert can teach you about running a shop or online store.

Don’t overlook industry-specific certs either. They can set you apart in niche markets. Say you’re into tech startups – a cybersecurity cert could be your advantage. Or if you’re focusing on social media marketing, platforms like Facebook offer their own badges.

These show clients you know your stuff. Over half of business owners have bachelor’s degrees, but certs can give you an extra edge.

People Also Ask

What are the top degrees for launching a business?

The best degrees for starting your own business include entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, business administration, and computer science. These programs teach you about marketing strategies, financial analysis, and business ethics. They help you develop an entrepreneurial mindset and sharpen your decision-making skills.

How can a marketing degree help in starting a business?

A marketing degree equips you with skills to create killer ad campaigns and reach your target audience. You’ll learn about brand awareness, internet marketing, and how to use social media platforms effectively. This know-how is crucial for any start-up, whether it’s a tech venture or a brick-and-mortar shop.

Is an MBA worth it for aspiring entrepreneurs?

An MBA, or Master of Business Administration, can be a game-changer. It covers everything from microeconomics to leadership skills. You’ll dive into financial ratios, business strategy, and even cryptocurrency. Plus, the networking opportunities are gold. It’s like a Swiss Army knife for business owners.

Can a degree in human resources benefit a new business owner?

Absolutely! HR knowledge is a secret weapon for start-ups. You’ll learn about human development, managing employees, and fostering a positive work culture. These skills are key when building a team and keeping your staff happy. Happy workers equal a thriving business.

How does a finance degree prepare you for entrepreneurship?

A finance degree is like a GPS for your business’s money. You’ll master financial analysis, understand income statements, and learn to make smart financial decisions. From handling debts to pricing your products, this degree gives you the tools to keep your business in the black.

What unexpected skills can you gain from these degrees?

These programs aren’t just about crunching numbers or crafting catchy slogans. You’ll become a critical thinker and problem-solver. You’ll learn about sustainability, business ethics, and even touch on mental health in the workplace. It’s a well-rounded education that prepares you for the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship.



https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericbasu/2013/06/23/im-planning-to-start-my-own-business-why-bother-with-a-college-degree/ (2013-06-23)

https://www.elleandcompanydesign.com/blog/why-you-dont-need-a-college-degree-to-run-a-successful-creative-business (2015-04-20)

https://potomac.edu/best-degrees-for-entrepreneurs/ (2023-11-13)

https://www.phoenix.edu/blog/entrepreneur-degrees-to-help-you-start-a-business.html (2022-12-10)


https://www.collegeconsensus.com/degrees/best-degrees-entrepreneurs/ (2024-06-20)

https://thebossmagazine.com/what-type-of-degrees-prepare-you-to-start-a-business/ (2022-03-28)

https://www.forbes.com/sites/freekvermeulen/2012/02/16/the-best-degree-for-start-up-success/ (2012-02-17)

https://online.wvu.edu/blog/business/do-you-need-a-degree-if-you-plan-to-open-your-own-business (2023-06-28)



https://meridianuniversity.edu/content/the-best-majors-for-entrepreneurs-diverse-paths-to-success (2023-08-24)


https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/degree-needed-to-open-your-own-business (2024-08-15)




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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