My Best Vacation Views

I have been on many vacations in my life to various places all over the United States and parts of Canada too. My Dad use to make sure we had our fair share of vacations when I was growing up. Granted, I don’t have many memories of actually doing things WITH him while on them, but I do have many memories of the places we’ve been and the things we got to do while we were there. Life was much simpler when I was growing up because a kid was able to explore things around them without worry of people harming them as much. (It may have happened just as much, but you didn’t hear it in the news all the time.)

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My absolute favorite vacation destination is Niagara Falls in Canada. I love to see the falls at night with their different colors. I loved riding the boat right up by the falls and getting soak and wet from the mist off of the falls.

I can remember exploring along the strip with my money in tow. I hit all of the shops there. I collected many of the unique horse statues that I could only find there (all of them unfortunately got destroyed through my many moves, but they were some of my most treasured pieces.) I also loved checking out the Ripley Believe or Not museum on the strip too.

My second favorite vacation spot is Myrtle Beach. I’m highly allergic to the ocean so I can’t enjoy swimming in it. However, I can enjoy the vast array of shops and shopping centers, putt-putt golf, and many other area attractions in the surrounding area. Plus the sunrise/sunset views are totally worth checking out from the shoreline. Plus I do love the sound of the ocean as I walk along the edge of it.

I’ve enjoyed some of my favorite parts of nature while being at Myrtle Beach. The sky view is totally different there than it is in the country. The way the sun sets there is just truly remarkable.

I also loved going on my cattle drive with my Mom. I can remember how herding the cows over the Santee River at sunset was just breathtaking. I was a young teenager and didn’t see the value behind taking pictures. (Of course back then there wasn’t any water proof cameras around yet.)  However, it reminded me of scenes I had seen on western movies where they round up cows, but even better than what was in the movies. There is nothing like having cows splashing water and horse and rider following in behind them with the sun setting over the river with the big Santee Bridge in front of all of it was just a view that one will never forget.

Can you tell I have a fascination with sunsets? It’s one of my favorite types of pictures to take. Yet, I have none left from the ones I took as a younger person.

What is your favorite vacation view?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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