Biannual Blog-A-Thon Summer 2014

I am in LOVE with these Biannual Blog-A-Thon events because they cause me to actually put into action all of the things that I learn along the way about blogging. I also take a weekend off to focus on my blog! I focus on doing many of the behind the scenes activities that I otherwise put off. (The funny thing is I do these tasks for other bloggers and get paid to do it, but yet, I don’t do it for myself to make MY BLOG better until I’m a part of these Blog-a-Thon events.)

Here is my list of things I want to accomplish this weekend Lord willing and the creek doesn’t rise on me that is:

1.) I want to create my freebie for my newsletter for both blogs. I don’t use my newsletters nearly as much as I should. That’s mainly because I feel like I don’t want to invade your inbox unless I have something exceptionally cool to share with you. Yet, I want the connections with you. I want to build relationships with you. So, I believe I’m going to give it a try again.

2.) I also want to get my blog posts caught up. I have so many blog posts that need to be done and scheduled it’s not even funny.

3.) I want to get more productive with the social media outlets. I don’t spend near enough time on them as I should. I have the tools and resources, but I don’t use them.

4.) I want to make a plan to really gain more readers.

I personally hope that I can achieve these goals this weekend. It would be really nice because then at least I’d feel a bit more organized for my own blog. I love doing VA work with other bloggers and have no intention of quitting that. In fact, I want to expand that. I just have to treat my blog better too.

Want to join me in making your blog better? Join the Biannual Blog-a-Thon Summer 2014 event.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

8 comments on “Biannual Blog-A-Thon Summer 2014”

    • I should have kept it simple because I didn’t accomplish half of the things on my list. However, I did have a lot of fun connecting with others as usual during the Blogathon.

  1. Your blog looks so productive as it is — I wonder how many other goodies you will be adding in your upcoming posts. I have had freebies before (lots of them!) and while it wasn’t on my goals list, I think I may try to get some up this weekend – or early next week – as well.

    So glad to get to know you you this time around —

    • I’m glad we’re now tribe mates. I love the fact that we will be learning and growing together on this whole blogging journey.

  2. Today stopping by from the Blogathon, I can see your challenges and #3, lol Im all over the place tweeting, sharing as much as time permits. It can be fun and rewarding to your blog. Good luck with your goals!
    Enjoy your week

    • I love the Blogathon! I am also a huge Twitter lover. I’m not good at starting conversations, but I do love to chat on there.

    • I did pretty well. I got a good bit accomplished, but not everything on my list for sure. I will say I have my blogging desire back though. For me that’s quite a lot!

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