Blog Goals for 2014

I’m taking on the Blog Dare . So far, I’ve managed to stick with it each day. I’m treating it like you would the Five Minute Friday posts because I want to ensure that I actually share a part of my soul with you. I hope you enjoy reading these posts.

I wonder if the lady who created this Dare knew that Kelli and Crystal were going to be talking about How to Set Your Blogging Goals for 2014 in the #learntoblog hangout today. I actually got to sit through the whole thing for once while it was live. I love their hangouts, and I always walk away feeling like I’ve learned something. Not to mention, I gain another boost to keep on pushing to do more for and with my blog.

I absolutely LOVE all things blogging! I started this blog back in Feb. 2011. It has surpassed far beyond my wildest dreams. I personally can’t believe the amount of friendships and connections I’ve made throughout the past soon to be three years.

I have so many ideas of what I want to make happen in 2014. I do know in January I’m going to do something with my website design to make it so that you can actually find these types of posts much easier on my home page. I have noticed that many of my readers who enjoy these types of posts don’t even know where to look for them. They tend to get lost in the mix of my sponsored posts and product reviews. I LOVE doing product reviews and sponsored posts because they do take care of my selling itch that I was born with.

I also hope to be more organized with my blog posts. I want to actually have a set goal in mind for each given month. I love being spontaneous, but I don’t feel it’s really becoming overly beneficial in my blogging career.

I also want to have more time to socially interact across my social media sites. I have to find a way to actually make the most out of all of the resources I’ve been telling you about. Plus some of the other resources I have saved up.

I think every blogger has a long list of blogging goals. I honestly believe my blogging goals for 2014 will actually surpass 2013. Our goals are usually set up every month too.

I’m also excited because Del is completely utterly planning on being involved in the blog throughout 2014, but in his own way. I can’t wait to see your reaction to his input. I just hope he actually is able to do what he hopes to do!

Goals are something we aim to achieve, but seldom ever finish doing. However, I’m definitely going to give it my best shot to make these goals actually happen. So far, every year has been better than the last since I’ve started blogging.

If you blog, what are your goals? If you don’t blog, then what are your personal goals for 2014?





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Blog Goals for 2014”

  1. I definitely think having specific blogging goals is very helpful. It keeps you accountable, even if it is just to yourself…we are working on our 2014 goals right now, as a matter of fact! :)-Ashley

    • I totally agree. I have been running two different planners. One for the businesses I work with and one for my own blogging ideas.

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