Blogging #GiftReadyGuide Suggestions for 2013

I love all things blogging. I’ve been doing it since February 2011. I’m totally utterly hooked. I’ve determined that I’ll be doing it for the long haul whether I get rich from it or not. I love the people I’ve met on this journey. I love being able to review products and promote companies. I definitely love to write. I feel utterly blessed to be able to share ALL of this with you. 

So with that being said, I’ve decided to create a Blogging #GiftReadyGuide for 2013. Many bloggers have plenty of expenses throughout the year that most people have no clue about. Plus there are other things we need that may not cost a dime, but yet are very valuable.

Top Blogging Gift Suggestions

1.) Your Support  I’ve heard from many bloggers that they do have their family fully  behind them when it comes to this journey. I must say that I’m fully blessed with a family that is all involved in the blog. My oldest son helps with marketing (as of this week) and he’s been writing the kids product reviews. Now Del is talking about writing up more blog posts in the near future because he will have some more free time on his hands soon. However, Del has ALWAYS supported this project from the word go. He’s been impressed with how far it’s come and how much of a difference it’s ended up making in our lives.

With all of that being said, I can not imagine doing this without their full support. There are days when we have to grab a quick meal out or a quick meal in, laundry gets piled high, or the house looks like a tornado ran through it when Del gets home from work all because I’ve had a big project due or several blog posts come at me all once. He’s never complained! Instead, we’ve taught the kids how to help out more around the house (which they need to know it anyways, so it’s not hurting them.)

Blogging can lead to a whole new world with products to review and money easily. However, it also becomes about making connections with readers, other bloggers, and even working with brands turns into a friendship after you’ve worked with them enough times. I take my blog seriously and treat it like a job now, and I value that I get to work from home with my kids. Blogging gives me that ability. I praise God for it and most importantly for YOU READERS who also support me! So, thank you very much for that gift from you!! 

You can also click on the link for this section to get some more ways you can encourage your favorite blogger. 

2.) Blog Redesign– Every blogger gets bored with seeing their blog design after a while. We itch to redesign it from time to time. As soon as my house sells, I’m investing in a system which will allow me to redesign my blog. However, it will also allow me to create websites from the ground up and offer amazing themes to go with it. So that is in the works for 2014. Since Del also knows some web design stuff, between the two of us, we’re going to be able to offer some amazing theme packages. If you want to offer that for Christmas this year, I can give you some names of some designers that are available today to do it.

3.) Blogging Books – There are many wonderful blogging books available on the market that are really worth getting. Blogging booksir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=ur2&o=1, if you get the right ones, are well worth their cost of getting them. I’ve already done book reviews on Amazon of the ones I’ve purchased. (I’ve done many blogging book reviews!)

4.) Hire a Virtual Assistant – I’ve never actually hired someone to help me with my blogging world until this week. I have resorted to hiring my oldest son to help market my blog. He’s been promoting my blog on some linkies for me. I still go back and share the love, but the time he saves me from having to enter in our information is actually pretty priceless.

Blogging is so much more than just writing a wonderful blog post and expecting people to just come to your site. After all there are an unlimited number of websites in the world. We have to find a way to get noticed online. I have to say I spend more time away from my blog than I do physically ON my own blog. I’m not Ms. Popular by any means, but I can say the more I get out there the more I get to meet new readers.

5.) Learn to Blog Lessons  – Kelli and Crystal are remarkable bloggers who are sharing their successful knowledge with others in their live FREE Google + hangouts, but they have also decided to offer packages of teaching bloggers on a more personal level. It’s totally worth it to take these courses and take the time to implement the lessons taught. (I’m still trying to play catch up and do all of the things they teach!) I can vouche that they know what they are talking about! They have successful profitable blogs. They aren’t talking out of their tail ends.

These are just a few of the best possible choices for what I know I’d love to have if I don’t already have them. Many other gift ideas do cross my mind as well, but it’s a bloggers personal preference. Blog planners, a good quality camera, paid membership for photos,  and WiFi device (so they work anywhere) just to name a few of the other ideas that crossed my mind.

What gift do you think a blogger would enjoy having that I didn’t mention? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “Blogging #GiftReadyGuide Suggestions for 2013”

  1. These are great idea for blogging gifts! I found myself nodding and saying “absolutely” to every one!! I’ll be passing this along to people who want to know what I’d really love this year!! 🙂 –Lisa

    • I’m glad you liked my list of suggestions. There are so many things I want for my blogging career. I have a list of I “want” things that are actually more like investments, but I know they will be well worth it in the end.

  2. I love your gift ideas! Personally, I’d love a virtual assistant. I can’t keep up with my email and I’ve actually lost out on some sponsored posts because of it. Eek!

    • I know how that can happen. I’ve been in similar boats. I wish I could keep up with Facebook notifications, emails, and everything else with ease too. I miss out on a lot of chances because I can’t keep track of all of them in a quick manner.

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