Blogging Has Definitely Changed My Life

 I can’t even begin to tell you how much blogging has changed my life. I feel like my life now is completely utterly filled up to the max. I am always busy doing something now. I do have to pick what gets done on any given day at any given time. There are many times when something doesn’t get done. However, we are happy for the most part.

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Blogging has opened up a brand new world for us. We love all the products/services that we get to review and try out. I’ve taken more pictures since I’ve started blogging than I have prior to that in my life. So, I’m capturing more wonderful moments in our lives as a result. There are times when some of the items take an extensive amount of time to review.

Like right now, we’re working on reviewing Oriental Trading products. I’m super eager to share these things with you, but I’m trying to capture the right picture and moments to make it super worth sharing. Especially since all of the products are totally awesome, and I’m totally in love with Oriental Trading even more than I was to start with. It’s a great website filled with loads of things all at reasonable prices.

I’ve been able to do more with my family because we are given the resources by which to do it. Like we get to see movies early to review them in the theater before they even come out, and that makes for some very special moments in our life. We’re grateful for the exchange in being able to do those things.

I’ve made some really remarkable friends in the blogging world. I love all the connections I’ve made, and the true blue connections that come from blogging. I can’t express that one enough.

For all the great wonderful things that come from blogging… what we fail tell you about is the fact that something always seems to go undone. If I were just doing this as a hobby still, then it’s just a matter of writing up a post and putting it on the web. However, now I feel the pressure to do so much more based off of all the things I’ve learned about what all goes into a professional bloggers life. If I were to do all the things that really go into the professional blogger’s work load in any given day I’d be working for 16 hours and making less than $7.00 an hour doing it. Yet, would I trade it for any other line of work…. Not in a skinny second!

Thanks to blogging, I’ve also found out about the great world of being a virtual assistant too. I love working with other bloggers and companies. I love knowing that I’m helping them to expand their online presence.

Overall, blogging has become a vital part of our life. My husband and kids do not want to see me quit anytime soon any more than I want to quit. It’s in my blood now, and I don’t see it draining out. It’s addicting, thrilling, frustrating at times, and yet, all so rewarding too.

How has blogging changed your life (whether you’re a blogger or a blog reader?)






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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

15 comments on “Blogging Has Definitely Changed My Life”

    • I went into it with the belief that no one would read it – and – much for my surprise – they did. If you want to do it, start with the attitude that it’s just for you. The readers may just follow! 🙂

  1. It has enriched me with dear and wonderful friends and so many experiences I’ll never forget. It’s the job that never ends but the beauty of being your own boss is that if you want a day off, you just take it!

  2. Being a blogger definitely changes and enhances your life, it also touches lives and helps so many. Congrats on your journey!

    • My blog doesn’t quite support my family, but with each passing month that is slowly improving. I hope to one day have it completely support our family.

  3. Same here. Blogging has given me so many amazing opportunities that I never dreamed possible.

  4. I totally hear you on not being able to get to everything- there is ALWAYS more to be done! Blogging has changed my life because it allowed me to quit my day job to stay home with my sons and I’m so grateful!

    • Congrats on being able to quit your day job to being home with your kids. I was able to bring my husband back to working from home again due to my blog. I’m so utterly thankful for all of it! It’s such a freeing feeling to be able to watch my kids grow up even if it is behind a computer screen a lot. However, they wouldn’t trade having me home verses having a computer in my hands all the time. (I do make time for just interacting with them and my family everyday though!!)

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