Check Out These Family Friendly Movies Reviews

Since last week’s wholesome movie reviews  was such a big hit I figured I’d continue the trend and share my family friendly movies reviews on movies we’ve watched that have been really good. I have to agree that it really is harder to find them in our world today.

A Long Way Off

This movie is based off the prodigal son story from the Bible. I was captivated by this movie from the beginning because it did in fact remind me very much of the story in the Bible. The young son didn’t appreciate working for his family’s business. It’s really HARD to not give away everything on this movie.

In a way it reminded me of my decision to move back to Ohio when I was 19 years old to so called ‘pursue a better life.’ In reality, that was the start to my downward spiral in my life. I pulled completely away from God and left behind my family and friends here in SC. In fact I left this state with NO contact with my Mom at all! She and I had killed our relationship for a period of time.

Ironically, my mom battled her first round of her thyroid cancer without me even knowing about it until AFTER the fact. She didn’t want me to come back and take care of her. She wanted me to come back to be there because I wanted to be there not due to some type of obligation to her.

When I finally did return to SC in May 2005, it was the oddest feeling in the world for her and I both. It wasn’t a grand welcome home party for us, but I will say that the members of my church that I was raised in made sure that I was welcomed with a big hug and lots of love. That surprised the tar out of me, and I’ll never forget it as long as I live. In fact, in 2006 when I got in my car accident that forever changed my life, they stocked our home with enough groceries that lasted us almost a year literally. They took turns checking on us too.

I think this movie and this story in the Bible hits home a lot for me because I have always wanted the grander things in life. I’ve always been a dreamer. I wasn’t content or happy with what I had in my life until my car accident. Then I pursued what really mattered in my life (my relationship with God and my current husband.) I mended the fences between my mom and I as much as could humanly be done.

To this day, I still have big dreams. However, I’m am also content and satisfied with the life I have. I know that God is always going to provide me with what I need. It may not always be what I want, but he will never forsake me or leave me.

Stranded in Paradise

This movie is from Hallmark. Yes, I should become an ambassador for Hallmark and UpTV. However, so far all my movie reviews from their channels are given to you from my own love of their movies.

Stranded in Paradise is about a woman who was fired from a job that she’s been at for 15 years. She decided to go to an HR convention anyways, and got stranded in that town due to a natural disaster. While there she meets this man (James Dention—I’m a fan!) They have a nice little romance build up between them even if they don’t want to acknowledge it.

If I say to much more, I’ll give away the ending. However, it is a sweet romance. It does show the true power of love. When I met my husband I knew he had me wrapped around his finger, and I fought it for many years. However, he had me hooked the first time I met him. I’ll never forget the feeling that went throughout my entire being when I met him for as long as I live. This movie reminds me of those moments when my feelings for my husband have literally consumed all of me.

When Calls the Heart Second Chances

This is another addition to the When Calls the Heart series. Like all the rest of them it’s a good little series. There is always loads of drama in each series. This one just like all the rest have many different lessons thrown in it too. Delbert LOVES this series with a passion. This series hasn’t lost its appeal for me yet.

What has been a good family movie that you’ve watched lately? 

Disclosure: I was given one or more of these movies to review in exchange for an honest blog review, but that in no way shaped my opinion of these movies.

By the way, any woman or man who has ever been around kids will love the movie Mom’s Night Out. It comes out on DVD on September 2nd. Mark it on your calendars! It’s my top movie of the year so far. I’m counting down!! 



Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

47 comments on “Check Out These Family Friendly Movies Reviews”

  1. I don’t watch movies much, because my husband likes ones with serious blood and guts. I just sit with him and work or play on my laptop. If I could watch the When Calls The Heart series, I sure would.

  2. The last one I just watched was Muppets Most Wanted. Its was a lot of fun and the whole family enjoyed. it. Thank for sharing these great films.

  3. My husband asked if I wanted to surprise him with a blu ray copy of SpiderMan 2. Love him dearly, but I really don’t want to run any errands. I think the last family movie we watched was also Muppets Most Wanted, also.

  4. Moms Nite Out is the only one of these I’ve heard of but they all sound promising. When Moms Nite Out released in theaters, I wanted to go see it but didn’t. Still haven’t. Thanks for the heads-up that it is coming out soon!

  5. I want to see the When Calls the Heart series. My fiancé and I both LOVE movies and we’re always redboxing or buying a new movie. I watched the Moms Nite Out movie and LOVED it – can’t wait for it to come out. As far as a recent family movie, the last one we watched was Rio 2, but we have the movie Gods Not Dead on the schedule for this weekend 🙂

  6. Thank you for sharing these movies and your reasons for loving them. I’m always looking for movies with real meaning to share with my girls. I love the connection you made with “A Long Way Off” and happy for you that you have begun healing your relationship with your mom. God is capable of miracles when we let Him in and surrender to His grace.

  7. I am going to watch A Long Way Off with hubby! It looks like something we’d enjoy watching together.

  8. I haven’t seen on e lately, I don’t think but I love Hallmark movies. I always subscribe at holiday time to get a good fill of them.

    • Oh don’t get me started on their holiday movies. I’m glued to Hallmark during the Christmas season. I think I’ve watched every new Christmas movie they’ve made for as long as I can remember now.

  9. I’ve never heard of this movie until now. Sounds good!

    I’ve been wanting to see Mom’s Day Out. I didn’t know it was coming to DVD so soon. Yay!

    Thanks so much for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop)!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

    • Thank you so much for hosting the link up. Mom’s Night Out is soooo utterly worth watching. I can’t wait to OWN it. I know it is one of those movies that I will watch over and over. (Very few get that rating from me.)

    • They are all great movies. I didn’t check to see if they were all on Netflix or not yet. I do know they are worth hunting down to watch.

  10. I’m always looking for family friendly movies and haven’t seen this one yet– looks like one my husband and I would love, so I’m adding it to my must-watch list- thanks!

    • Yes, the movies are based on the books. It’s been YEARS since I’ve read the books too, and I don’t remember them enough to know if they are following along with the book per say. However, it is based off it.

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