Children’s Claritin Mom Crew Announcement

I grew up taking Claritin as a kid myself back when you had to have a prescription to use it. So, I was personally excited to be selected for this panel. Especially since Zeva and Delbert both suffer really bad with allergies.
Zeva isn’t old enough to take allergy medicine YET. However, Delbert is. Delbert has a  bad case of allergies. so we went and invested in Children’s Claritin prior to be being accepted on board. Delbert couldn’t wait to take it the next morning because he knew he was going to gain instant relief from his suffering. Once he took it, he stated the medicine tasted like candy.

Now he reminds me that he has medicine.  When we got our welcome kit, Delbert felt like he gained a nice huge Christmas present because now he can play outside anytime without fear of suffering from major allergies. Did you know that Children’s Claritin is the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Non-Drowsy Allergy Brand??

Only Children’s Claritin provides Non-Drowsy 24hr Allergy relief with one pill a day. Seeing it work first hand with my son is such a blessing. If you haven’t given Children’s Claritin a chance, I would highly recommend it. 

Do you have a favorite allergy medicine that you use for your child?? If so, would you please share what brand you use and why you like it so much.







Disclosure: “As a member of the Children’s Claritin Mom Crew, I receive product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place.”



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

3 comments on “Children’s Claritin Mom Crew Announcement”

  1. Stopping over from Claritin Moms. New follower (would love for you to stop by my blog and follow back!).

    I took Claritin myself too – I remember taking it in college – some 18 years ago!!

    My 2 year old thought the grape Claritin chewable was candy too.

  2. Thank you ladies for coming by. 🙂 I’ve added your blogs to my favorites so that I can keep up with them. (Usually once a week I can visit each blog on that list.)


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