Create Happy Kids In Your Home

We were given the chance to review the Happy Kids Songs and their Happy Kids Songs Workbook: Hands-on Activities to Build Character, Social & Emotional Skills as a part of the SchoolHouse Review Crew in exchange for an honest blog review.

Happy Kids Songs Review

At first I was a bit excited about this review with my kids because I know they could use some help learning some more proper social skills. This is especially true of my two and six year olds. Those two are little selfish bullies. They are also really jealous of each other a lot! It pains me to admit these terrible traits that these two have, but it’s my harsh reality.

I was chalking Zeva’s attitude up to her age, but it seems the older she gets the worse she is becoming. I’m in the process of reigning it in big time. Delbert is also getting a lot of corrective behavior as well. I thought these Happy Kids Songs would be a fun way to incorporate a different mindset in them both.

Both of them LOVE music, but these songs don’t capture ANY of my kids attention AT ALL! I personally cringe when I’m listening to them. I know that sounds overly harsh, but we listen to music almost ALL day long in our home of various kinds. (In fact, it’s really hard for any of us to be overly productive unless music of some kind is playing the background.) It’s hard for something to make a difference when no one is paying attention.


Now the workbook on the other hand was VERY resourceful. We were able to take the same songs and add our own beat to them and that made it fun. Delbert enjoyed doing the workbook portion of this review. He loves to draw and color and there is a LOT of that throughout the workbook. You can get the workbook for $12.56.

I can say that he’s TRYING really hard to improve his behavior. He is not being as much of a bully. He is also being a better friend to his siblings. He is also trying to teach Zeva how to express herself in a more positive manner. For that I’m grateful because it was getting bad between those two!

These products are geared towards 4-8 year olds per the company’s website. However, the songs I think are better for babies up to 3. I’m a firm believer that babies can learn even when they are babies. I think the workbook is good for kids 3-8 though. You can purchase the CDs with five songs on each CD for $4.95. There are eight discs altogether.

Available Happy Kids Songs CDs

Happy Kids Songs Review
1.) Friends & Sharing- This covers the “essential ingredients of friendships, tools for reaching out to others, sharing time together, saying goodbye, being happy with friends and including others in play.”

2.) Social Skills & Bullying– This covers the “tools for assertiveness and dealing with bullies, taking turns with others, celebrating differences, and including others in play.”

3.) Feelings & Fear- This covers “songs that are both educational and highly entertaining.”

4.) Practice & Success– This covers “songs that tap into themes such as overcoming shyness, handling life’s up and downs, persistence in effort, the importance of practice in achieving goals, and rising above adversity.”

5.) Talking & Listening–  This covers “the fun and importance of working out conflict and upsets, expressing feelings through words, the value of listening, speaking to others in a constructive manner, and being assertive.”

Happy Kids Songs Review

6.) Manners & Characters- This covers “the value of honesty, learning manners and saying “please”, appreciating differences in others, being considerate, and honoring multiple perspectives.”

Happy Kids Songs Review

7.) Happiness & Attitude- This covers “positive thinking, giving compliments, handling limitations, and pathways to happiness.”

8.) Respect & Responsibility- This covers “respect for possessions, responsibility to others, responsibility for actions, as well as love and respect for others.”

You can purchase these products by visiting Happy Kids Song website. You can follow Happy Kids Songs on Facebook, Twitter,  YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Don’t forget to check out my fellow SchoolHouse Review Crews review of this product by clicking on the image below.

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

27 comments on “Create Happy Kids In Your Home”

  1. That’s great that it seems to be having a positive effect on behavior! Sounds like a program worth exploring.

  2. Having a happy family is so important. Thanks for being honest in your CD review, it’s hard to listen to something over and over again when you don’t care for it personally.

    • You’re welcome for the honesty. I was afraid of being this honest. However, the redeeming factor was the workbook. The words of the songs are really worth hearing and using. I’m so glad that we had the workbook.

  3. I know the feeling! However, I feel this way about kids’ songs in general, especially the Frozen song. I love that this comes with a workbook, though.

  4. Realizing our children aren’t perfect is hard, but it’s important to see the areas that they can improve & address them. It sounds like this workbook is perfect for helping making positive changes. Whether the music is for you or not, we all have areas to improve.


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