Doing The Winter 2014 Blogathon

I am a part of the Winter 2014  Blogathon  once again this year. I loved it a lot last year, and made many new blogging friends that have only grown over the past year. Not to mention all of the things I have learned from doing the mini-challenges throughout the event.

Biannual Blogathon BashThe goal is to spend as much time as possible on your blog from Friday, January 24th-28th, 2013. For every mini-challenge that you do you get the chance to win some pretty amazing prizes too. It is definitely a lot of fun.

I am eager to dig into it. I usually set up to do a lot of things that I don’t normally do on my blog for these events. There’s something to be said for knowing that you’re in a round about way working with other people just as hard on a project with them. We encourage each other in our Facebook group. We also use the hashtag #blogathon2 across the social media sites so that we can communicate with each other off and on.

Let’s not forget the amazing Twitter parties that are hosted each event with some prizes up for grabs. It’s not to late to go sign up for the fun and challenges. The connection with these fellow bloggers is really amazing too.

Well, I’m off to work! I love being able to say that, and my husband even makes sure the kids and him are well taken care of all weekend for me for this event.

What is your favorite blogging event of the year? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

5 comments on “Doing The Winter 2014 Blogathon”

    • I am trying to get it done, but so far I seem to be getting side tracked this go around way to much. Of course, it’s way to cold to send my kids and husband outside. So, it’s hard to juggle them and it. 🙁

    • This go around it wasn’t as productive as it was the last time. I still have the challenge page marked to do some of the things listed. I hope to have better success in the spring when she does it again. I totally love it and recommend any blogger to jump on board and do it with us.

  1. Did you know? Nobody knows how the Academy Awards came to be referred to as the Oscars. The earliest mention was 1932, and was made official in 1939.


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