Dolphin Tale Movie Review…

This movie is a good family movie. It has a great story to it that teaches a lesson on life as well. The dolphin as the preview shows loses its tail. However, that doesn’t stop the dolphin from swimming. Unfortunately, that is not good for the dolphins health, so they have to teach Winter to accept a man made tail for her. However, there’s more to the story than that…this movie teaches it’s viewers not to give up when the chips are down and to look at life with a different perspective.
When I broke my ankle and middle finger on my left hand, I was told I should never be able to walk again. I looked at the doctor and told him I had to get back on my feet. I was walking within four months time. Granted, I’ve later paid for walking on my ankle so early after surgery. However, I have since been able to regain my strength back in my ankle. The more weight I lose the better I feel. I do honestly believe that once I’m down to my healthy weight, that I may be able to run again. However, riding horses is not the same anymore. I literally can’t just jump on a horse with ease anymore because I have to jump on my bad foot to get on. However, I do believe that too will change in time.
We are all faced with many trials in our lives. Some are more drastic than others, but we each have our own story to share. We each have a daily struggle of deciding what moves to make with our lives and those we are entrusted to care for in our lives. However, if we take the time to look for the doors that God is opening up for us in our lives we will find a joy unlike any other. He has a plan, and trust me when I say his plan is far greater than anything we can imagine. So, when you feel like you’ve reached rock bottom and you have no choice but to turn to a lifestyle that goes against the very core of you, trust me there is another door waiting for you to open it. God always provides us a way to steer clear of our temptations to give up and become someone we were not meant to be. I’ve learned that lesson the hard way.
Dolphin Tale reminds me that there are many people in this world that want to help those who help themselves. It also teaches us to not give up on the things we believe in, and it’s worth it to have faith in something!
May this find you doing well, and taking the time to pray and follow God’s lead for your life. It’s not always crystal clear what direction your suppose to go right away, but when it’s right you’ll know it.



Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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