Enhance Homeschool With Technology

We finally got our living room a hundred percent ready for teaching school this year. I feel better prepared to enhance homeschool with technology this year. Thanks to Pinterest I’ve actually got loads of ideas to make this year a lot of fun for my kids.

We have our huge dry erase board up on our living room wall. That has already led to loads of fun. However, my kids have been raised up with technology since they were little. Zeva already uses my iPhone to play a bunch of educational apps on. (If you want a list of them, let me know, and I’ll work up a blog post about it.)

I have decided that this year instead of having my two boys crunched up uncomfortably around me trying to see my computer screen that I would use the cable my husband gave me. Now I just hook my cable up to my computer and my TV and change my input on my TV. Low and behold, the kids can see my computer screen on the big TV. 

It makes for a more relaxing atmosphere. Plus the kids are able to go up to the TV and choose their options a lot easier. Now I will be able to show them step by step how to do things on their own computer as I’m doing it too. I look forward to being able to explore that world with them.

The boys are already enjoying this new way of doing things!! I found a wonderful site to use to help teach them a foreign language. I learned Spanish in high school, but have literally forgotten everything I learned because I don’t use it like I did back then. Now, we’re all getting a refreshers course with Duolingo. I don’t remember who first led me to this site, but it’s amazing. It’s fun and easy to follow along. Plus you can make other connections with other people to share in the experience of it. (No, we were NOT compensated in any way to tell you about this site. We are just really enjoying this site a lot, and felt it is worth sharing!) I don’t have permission to share any images with you, but if I did, I’d show you how cool it is.

I’ve also been finding many free books on Amazon for the kids to read to enhance their reading skills. There are actually many resources available for free books as Kim from Homestead-Acres shared on her blog not to long ago. The boys having their own Kindle Fires has been the best thing in the world for them to have between the apps and the books I get to give them it makes my life a whole lot easier.

We are always looking for ways to enhance homeschool with technology in our home. We are huge technology buffs. We can’t wait to try new tech gadgets and apps. Plus we’re finding many new resources online all the time. I’m still hoping to one day get a SmartBoard for our home!!

What are some ways you use technology to help make teaching your kids fun in your home??




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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