Family Friendly Movie Review: Adrenaline

We got the chance to review the new Adrenaline   movie for an honest review. I read the back of the case when I got it with a bit of apprehension. After my car accident in 2006, my life has been forever changed in many ways that I’ve yet to come to grips with. Many of the things I use to love to do I can’t do if my life depended on it. I try desperately to be grateful for every minute I have to live, but there are days when I’m acting and feeling anything but gratitude.

About Adrenaline:

“A drag racer’s life is turned upside-down after a near fatal car crash, leaving him paraplegic. Joseph Jenkins (Michael Rosander), thinks his life is over, but while in the hospital, he meets Elijah Salisbury (Gregory Alan Williams), who gives him a new perspective on life and helps get him back to living. When Joseph returns home, and an old friend of his father’s, Paul Sharpe (John Schneider) steps in and helps him back into a race car, and teaches him how to race all over again.”

Our Review:

I felt like this was an inspirational movie worth watching with the kids. I was expecting there to be more action and drama in this movie than there was. Although, I found this to be a decent movie, I wouldn’t say that it will be one that I’ll remember for an extended period of time. I also believe they left us hanging with the question of “Why God lets bad things happen to good people?” I can see where they attempted to answer the question to some extent, but to me there was something missing.

Adrenaline is NOT a movie that I believe that will turn someone into a believer. If anything, it kind of made me a bit disappointed because the main character went from doubting straight to just praying. I didn’t really see a change of heart happen. I am not saying that can’t happen, but I find it less convincing. When a person truly forms a relationship with God their entire being is changed because his Spirit consumes you.

If you’re just wanting a movie to watch for entertainment value, then you will enjoy this movie. If you’re hoping to help someone else appreciate and understand your faith in God, then this movie is NOT the one for the job.

Have you see the movie Adrenaline yet?



Entertainment, Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Family Friendly Movie Review: Adrenaline”

  1. I haven’t heard of this one yet, but I am big fan of John Schneider. I enjoyed your review, it’s definitely a great description of what to expect with this movie. Was it hard to watch with your experience with a car accident? Or was it better than you thought it would be?

    • Honestly, it wasn’t hard to watch due to my accident. If anything I was able to relate to the main character more due to my accident. That’s one of the reasons I was waiting with anticipation for them to go into more detail about God allowing bad things to happen.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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