Have you ever loved someone, only to find out that they hurt you in some way? This is a difficult experience that can leave you feeling confused and alone. However, finding strength in such a situation is possible and I’m here to tell you how.
In this article, I’ll be talking about how to get support when someone you love hurts you. I’m excited to share my experiences and hopefully offer insight into finding strength in trying times.
Acknowledge the pain of being hurt by someone you love
I understand how difficult it can be to be hurt by someone you love. Often, the pain is especially deep because of the love we have for our partner or family member that has caused us harm. No matter what form of hurt that has been inflicted upon us – whether it’s emotional, physical, mental or verbal – the pain and confusion can be overwhelming.
In many ways, when someone you love hurts you, it forces you to reevaluate your relationship with them and how much trust you really have in them. It can also leave feelings of guilt for not recognizing warning signs before the event happened or for not being wiser about how we interacted moving forward. No matter how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise, when this type of hurt happens, it often closes the door on ever fully trusting that person again in quite the same way as before.
Being hurt by someone you love can lead to loneliness and confusion – causing people to not know where they should turn in order to find strength and support during a time like this. We might feel unsure about where exactly we should turn within our circle of friends and family; scared of being misunderstood; incapable or vulnerable; and/or unable to accept support from those around us. With these fundamental obstacles blocking our way, it is no surprise why people don’t always know how they can make sense out of their pain when something like this happens to them.
Explain the importance of getting support when you’re hurting

When someone we love is hurting, it’s often difficult to watch them go through the roller coaster of emotions. It can be overwhelming and frustrating to watch them suffer, and in such moments, it’s essential that we remember the importance of getting support.
Although it may feel like you are powerless in this situation, by taking proactive steps and striving to find the strength that lies within yourself, you can bring relief and solace both to your loved one and yourself. Creating a space for your own healing is an important part of helping those you care about when they need it most.
Many people worry about feeling as though they are not strong enough on their own or do not know what to do when someone they love is hurting. Receiving support from those around you can provide strength when facing these all-to-common experiences. There are many tried-and-true methods for getting this type of support as well as more creative ways of finding comfort to help keep you going on your journey toward healing.
Whether one chooses a more traditional path or finds solace in unexpected places, building a supportive network plays an important role in managing crises or navigating everyday hardships. By understanding that strength comes from many sources – both tangible and intangible – you will be able to get through any problem with greater ease and grace.
Identify the Support You Need
In times of pain and sadness brought on by someone you love, it can be difficult to know where to turn for support. It can be hard to admit that you need help, but having someone to talk to is essential for healing. That’s why it’s important to take the time to identify the type of support that will help you the most.
Whether you need someone to listen to you, offer advice, or empathize with your situation, there are people who can provide the help you need.
Recognize the type of support you need
Although it’s often difficult to ask for help, it can make all the difference in how you manage your hurt. Before looking for support, it’s important to thoughtfully consider what type of support you need. Analyzing and identifying the particular kind of help or resources that could be useful can go a long way in improving your well-being.
Take some time for yourself to really assess and explore what type of support is important to you at this time. For example, you might need emotional support from a close friend or family member, practical assistance with logistical tasks, and/or professional help like counseling or stress management techniques.
It is also necessary for your own wellbeing to determine an appropriate level of involvement and communication with your loved one who hurt you—you know best what boundaries are important in preserving your mental health and safety.
Similarly, decide on a schedule of communication that works best for both parties when deciding the quality, quantity and timing of any interactions—if any—that you have between each other during this stage of healing. Establishing these parameters at the beginning will create clarity on expectations and intentions as both parties work towards their own resolution—and even possibly reconciliation—in time.
By taking the time to identify which types of support are essential for healing from hurt caused by someone close, you can create an action plan that enables both parties involved get closer to total well being on all fronts: emotional health, physical wellness—and even if needed— spiritual renewal in order to finally move beyond pain from unresolvable strife caused by someone you love deeply.
Ask yourself what kind of support you need
There are so many types of support out there for when someone you love hurts you, and it’s important to first identify what kind of support that is most important in helping you heal. Are you looking for ways to challenge negative thoughts or feelings? Do you need someone to listen to your story with an open heart?
Maybe you need a distraction – a good friend or activity that can help shift focus away from the hurt. If talking doesn’t come easy, then doing something creative like art or music could be the perfect outlet. It’s truly rewarding when we take the time to explore our emotions and use them as fuel to create something beautiful.
If it feels right and safe, it may be helpful to talk with friends and family who will offer caring advice. Consider asking them questions such as, “What helped you heal during difficult times? How did it ultimately make a difference in your life?” You can also look into professional counseling services if talking one-on-one feels like an easier fit.
The possibilities are limitless! Reach out for the support that speaks uniquely to you – whichever type (or combination) helps bring some peace of heart and healing energy into your life.
Reach Out to Your Support System
When someone you love hurts you, it can be hard to find strength. But, there is no need to suffer in silence. If you have a support system, whether it’s family, friends, or even a therapist, don’t be afraid to reach out. It can be daunting, but there is no need to feel alone.
Sharing your experiences and talking to those who understand can be the first step to healing and finding the strength to move forward:
- Reach out to your support system.
- Share your experiences.
- Talk to those who understand.
- Take the first step to healing.
Reach out to family and friends
When it comes to getting support, the people closest to you can be invaluable sources of comfort and understanding. Stay connected to your family, friends, and loved ones during this difficult time. Talk to them about your feelings and share your experiences; they may have gone through a similar situation or will be able to empathize with yours.
Leaning on those closest to you is often the most natural response when in emotional distress, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Talking openly about what you’re going through with people who care about you can make all the difference in helping get through tough times. Practicing self-care by staying connected with supportive family members and friends allows you to better cope with daily life, even when it’s out of balance due the disruption of poor behavior from someone close to you.
And if there are disputes between family members over how best to deal with the situation, remember there is strength in numbers; allowing a few well-trusted people into your current circumstances might provide a healthier outcome when seeking guidance and comfort than isolating yourself from everyone else. People who truly care about your wellbeing will always understand what needs prioritizing in order for things to heal properly – don’t forget that!
Consider talking to a therapist
Talking to a therapist can be incredibly helpful in coping with the hurt of someone you love. Professional therapists are often trained in a multitude of topics and can help you work through loss and trauma. They also provide safe spaces, where you can open up and express your feelings without fear of judgment or repercussions. As a bonus, they may have insights that you haven’t considered before, providing new angles to approach the issue from. Even if all it does is give you clarity on where you stand, therapy is worth considering if you’re dealing with someone else’s hurt or trauma.
Seeking therapy is one of many ways to cope with the pain someone else is causing. It isn’t for everyone, but it certainly can be valuable for those wishing to confront their feelings and build better relationships down the road. Talking with a professional about your experience will also allow for greater self-awareness regarding your own behavior and communication style so that it can positively impact other relationships as well.
Additionally, therapy offers skills development, such as:
- Anger management techniques.
- Strategies for communicating more effectively when stress is at play.
Utilize online support networks
There’s nothing wrong with relying on your support networks to help you when you’re hurting from someone you love. Even if it means doing so virtually! The internet has provided us with endless access to people who understand what we’re going through—plus, talking about it online can give a more anonymous way to discuss your emotions and get the advice of others.
No matter what issue you’re facing, there’s likely an online support group dedicated to exploring and navigating these experiences together. Many of these are open forums for discussion, where people share advice and information about managing relationships, coping with grief and sadness, dealing with a sudden change in circumstance—and more. Use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter or utilize online forums that focus on life changes, parenting tips or related topics. If the idea of connecting openly with an entire community is intimidating or overwhelming, consider joining private groups solely designed for peer-to-peer counseling support.
It’s important to remember that following any advice without verifying its accuracy comes with some risks. However, by carefully researching the right sources and keeping yourself safe while taking part in conversations, these communities can be invaluable sources of encouragement and comfort in difficult times.
Find Strength in Yourself
In difficult times, when someone you love hurts you, it can be hard to figure out how to find the strength to cope. It’s easy to feel discouraged and lack confidence in the face of these struggles. But you don’t have to stay stuck in a place of pain and frustration. There is an incredible source of strength that you can tap into – yourself.
In this article, I’ll share some simple tips and strategies for uncovering the resilience and strength that already lies within you:
Learn to rely on yourself
While it takes strength to ask for support, one of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned is how to rely on myself in times of hardship. No matter where you find yourself in life, learning to trust your own judgement and draw on your own inner strength can be invaluable. Whether you’re going through a difficult situation with someone you love, or facing a challenging life circumstance, leaning into your own inner power can help make hard times not only bearable but also productive and meaningful.
When someone important to me hurts me (whether intentionally or not) it can be tough not to become overwhelmed with emotion and give full control over my healing process to someone else – whether that’s the person who hurt me or an outside source like a therapist. While these outlets can absolutely be helpful in the middle of suffering, I’ve found that having an awareness of myself as my own source of understanding has been pivotal in both feeling better soon after I’m hurt and truly moving past it entirely.
Having faith in yourself doesn’t mean brushing problems under the rug; when we’re stuck in pain, there are essential things we can do like:
- Being honest about our feelings.
- Seeking out connection with supportive people.
- Sitting with our emotions until things seem more manageable.
Relying on ourselves at these moments means allowing our needs & boundaries space to be heard without relying on others (even if they are well meaning) for an end goal solution – instead thinking how we might choose empower ourselves towards what feels right for us alone. Training up this skill takes practice, often requires getting comfortable being uncomfortable & typically means examining long-held beliefs about resolution & recovery timeframes forced upon us by society’s expectations – but feeling safe and secure enough within ourselves that we intuitively recognize resolution and/or closure may take whatever form (& timeline) is designed just for us pays off hugely down the line; this independence is greatly empowering both during tough times & afterwards as well!
Practice self-care
When you’re still in the process of healing, taking care of yourself is key. Treat yo’self—from anywhere, from a break to a breath of fresh air to something more luxurious, like a spa day or a massage. Take the time your heart needs and deserves.
Take moments each day (or as often as possible) to reflect on your strength and how far you have come, how much of an impact you make on those around you every single day in spite of any obstacles that may be in your way.
Investing in yourself will ALWAYS be worth it. And if someone you love hurts or ignores your needs, remind yourself that proper self-care isn’t always easy, but there ARE actions and steps we can take to get through it—no matter what those people do or don’t do for us. To fill our own cups with compassion, understanding, and words of encouragement that come from within; build boundaries (if needed); ask for help when necessary; find activities that we enjoy and have fun with every chance we get!
To aid further healing:
- Honor trauma wherever it exists with recognition, patience, kindness, and understanding;
- Unpack the complexity that comes with painful emotions like guilt, shame, or anger (at various points during our journey);
- Commit missteps where they are due;
- Open yourself up to opportunities for growth by surrounding yourself with positive energy.
Find ways to build your self-esteem
Sometimes when we’re hurt by someone we love, it can be hard to find the strength to stay true to ourselves and our values. That’s why it’s important for everyone to practice self-care and start building their own personal reservoir of self-esteem.
Self-esteem is all about how we perceive ourselves and usually comes from the positive or negative feedback from others we encounter along the way. It starts with building up our own inner resources, such as acknowledging our strengths and achievements, motivation, creativity, intelligence, and resilience. This can also include kindness, caring for oneself and one’s needs without feeling guilty or selfish.
Here are a few ways you can start working on your self-esteem:
- Spend time alone thinking positive thoughts about yourself
- Compliment yourself every day
- Take on challenging tasks that push you but are still within your comfort level
- Celebrate your successes – both big and small
- Surround yourself with family, friends or mentors who build you up outside of any negative experiences
- Practice affirmations that validate you even when life throws unexpected obstacles your way
Working on self-esteem takes time, but is something worth investing in and can become a powerful asset that will help support you through any difficult times ahead.

In conclusion, getting support when someone you love hurts you is possible and can help you heal. It can be hard to ask for help and it often requires us to step outside of our comfort zone. If we open ourselves up to the possibilities of true connection, we can find strength in the support of family and friends.
And, when all else fails, there are professionals, online resources, and even books to turn to for support. Getting the support you need when someone you love hurts you is an essential part of self-care and can help you to heal.
the importance of getting support when you’re hurting
When someone you love is hurting, it’s important to reach out for support. It can make a huge difference in the way you recover and process your hurt. Receiving support from the right people – experts, friends and family – can be a game-changer. Whether they provide resources or just listen, having support around during hard times is essential.
When seeking help, it’s important to remember that not everyone will be able to understand or reflect back what you are going through. It’s also ok to set boundaries as to how involved other people would be in your recovery process. Show yourself some self-compassion and don’t feel guilty for being honest with yourself and others about what kind of help you need.
By taking steps to getting the right kind of support when dealing with hurts from someone you love, you are sure to find strength along the way!
There’s still hope
As I’ve shared, getting support when someone you love hurts you is not easy. It’s heart-wrenching, complicated, and overwhelming. It can also cause us to retreat, shutdown, and feel hopeless. No matter how hard it seems in the moment, reaching out for help and having those difficult conversations need not be insurmountable obstacles.
Remember that part of being human is experiencing suffering; it is inevitable that things will go wrong at times. But in going through this kind of experience, you are stronger than you think—and with resilience and courage, your life can emerge on the other side as much richer and more meaningful than ever before. Healing requires courage, but it’s possible!
Take care of yourself by reaching out for support when pain follows you. Keeping the lines of communication open will allow the hurt person to understand how they’ve affected your relationship with one another; your friends or family members may even offer empathy or advice on how to approach resolving issues together. And if needed, don’t be afraid to talk to a professional for valuable expertise and guidance.
Overall, try to focus on self-care as much as possible by building resilience habits such as:
- Exercise
- Healthy eating habits
- Self-expression through art or writing
These strategies may help alleviate some of the despair associated with handling distressful situations like this one! Finally…refuse to give up hope that better days are ahead — because they are!