First Day of School for 2013-2014

Today has been more remarkable than I anticipated it being by a LONG shot!! I was prepared for a day full of arguments and frustration. (Normally that’s what I have to deal with each year.) However, this is the first year that I’ve been able to feel comfortable combining lessons for both boys. I managed to stick to our planned schedule with a lot more ease than I expected since I couldn’t sleep worth a dime last night.

Today we learned about so many various things. We started off creating something unique to start out our school year on a good foot. I let the kids decorate their own images to go with this years school books. They had fun doing it.

The teachers from Connections Academy made their live lessons a lot of fun. Since we were able to hook up my computer to our TV, it made for a lot more comfortable viewing this year. Plus we were able to all interact with all of the lessons with greater ease.

[Tweet “Make it fun, and you’ll have a great day teaching! “]

I got to have fun teaching today for the first since 1999. It felt great to have fun with my boys and even Zeva today. We used lots of technology, but we also used our own creativity. We covered a lot of material, and still had time for an hour lunch.

I hope tomorrow is just as good. I’m looking for history resources to make history fun, so if you have some fun games that will make learning about Native Americans, European Exploration, 13 colonies, history of SC, Revolutionary War, and the Civil War PLEASE give me the information!! We are going to need it. I can’t stand history with a passion, and it’s really hard to teach it!

How was your child’s first day of school this year??




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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