This is one heck of a good movie. I’ve said it before I love dance movies with a passion. I wish I could dance on a regular bases in the type of settings in this movie. I literally use to go to the dance clubs by myself when I was single. I drove for two hours one way to go to a “country” dance club by MYSELF. I was so insecure that I literally didn’t talk to anybody while I was there, but I still had a blast.
This movie was good because not only was it about dancing, but it taught a valuable lesson or two along the way. This teenage boy just wanted to make a positive change in his life. He took a chance and stood up for what he believes in. In life we have to do that quite often in many different forms and fashions. It takes people being a guiding light in order for someone else to find their way in this crazy messed up world.
I mentioned in my prior blog that kids can teach adults things as well. This movie definitely proved that point. It took a strong willed teenager to make a stand to help a grown man to realize that he needed to go into the next stage of his life and “dance.” There is a time for all things in our lives.
My mom always dedicated this song to me when I was overcoming a hardship in my life:
yep..we all enjoyed this fun movie in our house!