God’s NOT Dead Movie Review #GodsNotDeadMovie

I got the chance to review the movie [easyazon_link identifier=”B00KD5HFJG” locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]God’s NOT Dead[/easyazon_link] in exchange for an honest blog review. Pureflix has created some pretty amazing movies. This movie is no exception!

God’s NOT Dead started out slow. I believe they could have shaved off at least ten minutes of this video in the beginning. However, once the movie got rolling, I couldn’t wait to see the ending and stayed up later than planned to watch the whole movie.

This movie sparked a fire for God in me that hasn’t been there for some time now. This is not because I didn’t believe or have faith, but more because I’ve pulled back from him in a sense. Despite my pulling back, I know “God is good all the time.”

I believe…

He is my Lord and Savior.

I can do all things through he who strengthens me.

He works everything for good. Even those times in our lives when we have to deal with significant hardships!


[easyazon_link identifier=”B00KD5HFJG” locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]God’s NOT Dead.[/easyazon_link]

My Challenge to the Atheist

This movie is a great movie to watch with anyone who doesn’t accept that God’s NOT dead. It’s a movie that covers many of the major controversies behind someone having faith in God or not having faith in him even existing.

[Tweet “Only a real risk can test the reality of a belief. C.S. Lewis “]

If you know me, then you know I love quotes and use them as often as I can. This quote was a perfect one for this movie. You see God wants his followers to ‘make a stand for him.’ We are his disciples to show the world that he is LOVE.

The main character Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper) challenges his Philosophy Professor Mr. Radisson (Kevin Sorbo) that God is alive and real. His professor put him in a spot that the vast majority of people would not have rebuked.  I knew the minute Josh made a stand that this movie was going to be one worth watching. Josh stated, “God wants someone to defend him.” I couldn’t agree more with that statement.

Josh created a beautiful argument all throughout the movie. However, I wanted to point out something that wasn’t mentioned in the movie a whole lot. Yes, Josh touched base on the fact that even Christians get faced with hard times, but that’s because of free will that we as humans have. I want to expand on that one a bit.

Free Will and Consequences

You know we see every day that good people suffer hardship and have scars both physically and emotionally. They still have major illnesses like cancer, deal with abuses of various forms, and many other life-altering situations. God answers our prayers in his time frame. He doesn’t stop the evil from happening. Instead, he works all bad things for the good overall. Yes, he is always good!

You can be in the darkest places in your life that you can imagine, and still have the biggest sense of peace when you have confidence in God. That’s the truest gift of all that he could give us in my book. To know, I’m NOT alone in my bleakest moments. To know that in all honesty, I’m NOT in control and that it Will all work out regardless how black the world may seem at a given moment.

God paid for our sins with his only begotten son. Can you imagine giving the life of your child to pay for the world’s sins for the current and future generations? That just breaks my heart to think even of my kids having to have nails hammered into them for the negative actions of others.

Even when you watch the movie [easyazon_link identifier=”B00KD5HFJG” locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]God’s NOT Dead[/easyazon_link], you can see in the characters eyes their faith. My Dad was always amazed by how clear and bright my eyes were. When I’m leaning on God with my whole being, they are like shining lights regardless what I’m enduring. The reason is that I’m not leaning on my strength alone, and I’m not getting exhausted or burned out. Instead, I’ve got God’s power helping me out. I have him pushing me to new levels I NEVER dreamed possible. I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s going to carry me through, and he’s going to make things RIGHT.

This movie is one that is worth watching. Even if you are on the fence about believing in God or flat out HATE him for whatever reason this movie will be one worth watching. You can learn more about the movie by visiting their website. You can connect with the God’s Not Dead team on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

God’s Not Dead is hitting theaters on March 21st, 2014. You need to make plans to take your family and friends to see it (REGARDLESS of their belief!)

Does God live within you? 

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B00LPRK68S” locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]



Entertainment, Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

35 comments on “God’s NOT Dead Movie Review #GodsNotDeadMovie”

  1. i feel like my mother in law would love this her mother died recently and she has been trying to find answers through books and movies.

    • I can understand you feeling like it wouldn’t be something you’d get into watching. If you don’t believe, I still do challenge you to watch it. I’d love to honestly hear your reasoning as to why you don’t believe after you see it, if you’re interested in sharing. I do believe in people having the right to believe other things. I enjoy learning how others think and feel differently than my own.

  2. I know a few people who would love this. I’ll have to remember it when I’m giving gifts in the future. Thanks!

    • It depends. I wouldn’t say it’s overly deep, but it’s deep enough to keep you interested and enjoy the dramatic debate.

  3. This might be worth a watch, and I so hope the acting is ok. I have that problem with Kirk Cameron’s movies. Please tell me this is well-acted!

    • This movie has pretty good acting in it. I wouldn’t say it’s terrible by any means. I was more moved by the story line than paying attention to whether or not the actors were good. I will say it doesn’t come across as a B rated movie.

  4. I am so out of the loop! I had no idea that this movie was even made! I stand with you on your beliefs above, and I love quotes as well! My sister went through a horrible time with breast cancer, and while I was praying, this song just kept rising up in me! It became the theme song for her battle! HE’S LIVING ON THE INSIDE ROARING LIKE A LION! As of this note, her tests have shown NO MORE CANCER! PRAISE GOD!! /

    • Melisa,

      Thank you so much for sharing your sister and your story with us. PRAISE GOD!! is right! I’m so glad to hear that she is cancer free as of right now. That’s news worth rejoicing. You both will enjoy this movie a lot.

  5. we had discussed going to this as a small group last year when the trailer’s first starting coming out about it. We thought it would make for a great discussion after we saw it and met up the next week, to see how we could use it as a testimony to those we encounter in our day to day lives.


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