Have a Sweet Valentine’s Day Experience Giveaway

I was given what you see pictured exchange for an honest review and hosting this giveaway. That in no way shaped my opinion of these products! 

 I had the pleasure of getting quite a few Hershey’s Valentines goodies to review. I don’t know to many people who can’t find at least one Hershey’s product that they enjoy sinking their teeth into. I know for myself personally I love almost all Hershey’s candy bars and goodies.

My Christmas is not complete unless I make Peanut Butter Blossoms using Hershey’s kisses chocolates. I love the fact that I can make heart shaped Peanut Butter Blossoms  for Valentine’s Day too.

There are so many other wonderful crafty things I can make with my kids for Valentine’s Day gifts for those we love using Hershey’s Chocolates. I love some of the crafty sweet ideas I found to do this year. The site comes complete with directions on how to do it which for this non-crafty Mommy that’s a good thing.

I also think that a romantic trip for a couple to take would be to go to the Hershey’s Chocolate World too. I’ve had the pleasure of going there myself not so many years ago, and it could have been a very romantic trip had I had the pleasure of being there with a date.  There are many gifts that can be given to your loved one as a souvenir of your trip there.

Hershey’s would like to make your Valentine’s Day special by giving you the chance to win a Hershey’s chocolate sampler. They even give you the chance to try out their Hershey’s Chocolate Raspberry Kisses, that my in-laws state are really good if you like raspberries.

For your chance to win the Hershey’s sampler fill out the Rafflecopter form. This giveaway is open to US residents only 18 and older. Winner must respond to winning email within 48 hours that is sent out after giveaway is over with their physical address and phone number in order to obtain their prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck. It’s a prize package worth winning for sure.



Fine Living

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

100 comments on “Have a Sweet Valentine’s Day Experience Giveaway”

  1. I like Hershey’s cookies and cream, I havn’t used it in a recipe yet but I want to break the chocolate bar up and use it in chocolate chip cookies!

  2. I love Hershey’s Kisses, and the milk chocolate bar with almonds. I use the kisses to make Peanut Butter Blossoms.

  3. I love Hershey Bars and Hershey Kisses the most!!! I love ti all! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  4. I love all Hershey products. I especially love Kisses, because they have so many different yummy kinds. =)

    I also posted a comment on #GiftReadyGuide for 2013 Book Suggestions

    • I am with you. I like the many different kinds that they have in the kisses now. I am especially fond of the almond and caramel ones.

  5. I love Hershey’s special dark cocoa powder, it makes my chocolate desserts even better than when i use other cocoa powders.

  6. My favorite is Mr Goodbar. I just eat them plain, not in a recipe. They would never last long enough in the cupboard to make it to a recipe.

    • These are my husband’s favorite too! He has me stock up on them all the time. So, when I see them on sale, I am quick to add them to the cart. I get funny looks because everyone thinks I’m going to hog out on them. The funny thing is it’s one of the safe foods in the house for me because they are not one of my favorites. I like them, but I don’t go out of my way to eat them at all.

  7. My fave product is cocoa powder. I like to use it in my cookie and cake recipes. Here is a cake that is often requested by my family and it is VEGAN http://www.vegetariantimes.com/recipe/deep-chocolate-vegan-cake/ here is another one, they call them “brownie cookies”http://www.theppk.com/2008/10/chewy-chocolate-chocolate-chip-cookies/ the batter is so thick I once broke a mixer making them. Were they worth it? Heck yeah! Again, vegan. Everyone loves them.

    • Thank you so much for these recommendations! I truly appreciate you taking the time to share them with me. The cake sounds good.

    • My kids love them too. My oldest gets super excited when I make them too. He has the ingredients on the table faster than I can turn around if I even mention that I’m “thinking” about making them.

    • This is a great choice. I love dark chocolate and I don’t honestly have a recipe either. I think it’s just right like it is.

  8. Hershey’s chocolate bar has to be my absolute favorite but don’t get me wrong give a kiss any day LOLL I also enjoy adding them to my cookies or brownies and even use some to decorate my cup cakes 😉 thanks @tisonlyme143

  9. Hershey’s Kisses are my favorite! I love carrying some in my purse and having one to satisfy that chocolate craving in the afternoon. Peanut Blossom cookies are my favorite cookies! I’ve been planning on making some this weekend. It never occured to me to put multiple Kisses on each cookie. Thanks for the idea.

    • I can never keep them in my house long because my kids are quick to sneak and get them. Personally one kiss on the cookie is enough, but I can see how having more than one would make it more delightful too.

    • That’s a new favorite listed. 🙂 My husband enjoys those too. I’m not a huge fan of them, but they aren’t terrible by any means.

    • That is one of our favorites too. We don’t get it very often, but when we do they don’t last long in our house. Have you tried it between two Ritz crackers and covered them with chocolate yet??

  10. I love a good ole Hershey milk chocolate bar. I love to make s’mores or melt them to dip pretzels or fruits.

    • Don’t get me started on s’mores. I do declare when I was pregnant with one of my kids I LIVED on those things. It was horrible!! It’s amazing she didn’t have a huge marshmallow with a chocolate bar and a graham cracker as her birth mark.

  11. My favorite Hershey’s product is the Hershey’s cookies and cream candy bar… no special way to eat it…. just enjoy

  12. I like it all, it is chocolate afterall! I’m partial to Special Dark and Mr Goodbar. That’s why I like to get the bag of minis!


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