Hey God, I’ve Got Some Guy Named Jonah In My Stomach and I Think I’m Going To Throw Up – Review & Giveaway

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This by far has been my favorite child’s story for the day. It was funny but filled with a very valuable lesson. It is a story that references to the to the tale about Jonah and the whale in the Bible. The back of the book even gives you an idea of how to help your kids relate to Jonah in this story.

When I truly love something it’s hard for me not to chatter on and give away to many details about it. However, I will tell you that your kids will be glued to your every word while you read this story. They will want to know what happens to the whale and to Jonah. They will look at you in amazement.

At the end of it, they will shout to the rooftops… Trust in God or Follow God’s Orders. At least that’s what happened in my household. They got excited over this story. They got excited over its message. This is a great way to teach kids the value of trusting in God’s plan for their lives and with their actions.

I saved this book for last for the day on purpose. You can close out your day with the activity suggested in the book, and you can pray for God to continue to guide you and your children in your daily lives. You can show him your complete trust, love and devotion.

Enjoy this book with your little ones. I guarantee you it will lift your spirits and give you a moment worth sharing with your children. This book hits the stores shelves or online markets on May 1,2013. You definitely want to add it to your wish list items. 🙂


Guess what…. Yep, you guessed it. I get the pleasure of giving one of my loyal readers the chance to win this book. All you have to is enter this quick giveaway form. 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

12 comments on “Hey God, I’ve Got Some Guy Named Jonah In My Stomach and I Think I’m Going To Throw Up – Review & Giveaway”

  1. There is a Christian series of books about a cow that my son and I love. Some of the titles are Cow in the dark, Cow in the rain and Cow makes a difference. They are really cute and each have a wonderful lesson.

  2. Well, there is this big book full of classic story like cinderella, snow white, etc. They are forever my favourite. They are like, never die from age…

    • Michelle,

      I know what book your talking about. 🙂 We’ve gotten it from the library many times. My mother-in-law decided to buy it since the kids loved it so much. Did you know there is actually four of them? I’m like you I can’t wrap my mind around the name of it, but I know what your referring to. 🙂

    • DK Children’s every day bible. Not the best, though, for my girls with learning disabilities 🙂 We had Storybook Bible but my daughter misplaced a few months ago. 🙂 (She’s probably hidden it somewhere she used to sleep with it, lol!

  3. I love the story of Jonah. I was going to name this baby Jonah if it had been a boy. We didnt find out till she was born but she got to be Moriah instead.


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