I can write almost all day every day and not skip a beat doing it. I never run out of the things to say. Almost everything around me sparks a blog post. I do declare if I had more hours in the day where I didn’t get interrupted, I’d have so many blog posts for you all to read that you’d be able to stay here for days on end. I honestly and truly believe with all of my being that I’d provide you things that you’d want to sit and read all the time. Right now, though I share what little bit of tidbits, I can here and there in my little scraps of uninterrupted time I get each day.
For as much as I don’t lack inspiration in things to write and talk about, I do lack the ability to sit here and say that I’m a Grammar Queen. I make many grammar mistakes here and there. I have started using the Grammarly program per the suggestion of one of my blog tribe mates, Ms. Carolann from SassyTownhouseLiving.com. I have fallen deeply in love with this program. It has made my life a lot easier in many ways.
Since I’ve gotten it, I have used it across the board on almost all of the things I do each day. It follows me all across the web thanks to their lovely Chrome extension they have. I don’t end up looking like an utter fool when I’m talking on Facebook, Twitter, or sending off an email to professional representatives. I can even use it on my desktop provided I’m still hooked up to the Internet on both Microsoft Word and Outlook.
It’s even helped Jimmy with his school work because, in our family, I’m considered the editing queen. However, if you look at my results on Grammarly, that’s not the case in the REAL world. I use it to help me teach Jimmy the proper way to write things. In a sense, we are both learning how to write thanks to Grammarly. Since we are signed up for the newsletters, we also receive many other tips and tricks to help us grow our writing abilities.
I’ve created this little video for you to see how it works and all the features of the premium edition of Grammarly. I TRIED to answer all the questions you could have concerning the program. If I missed any though, please feel free to ask them in the comments.
I do highly recommend this editing software system. Grammarly has become my grammar editing savior. I am addicted to having it available to help me out. Granted, I’m noticing my errors are becoming less and less the more I use it, but it’s a nice sidekick for a writer like myself.
What is your favorite editing software? Can it beat Grammarly? If so, how?

Thanks for this, I will definitely check it out. I think it can be useful for me too 🙂
Grammarly is a wonderful program. I hope that you do check it out.
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I need this so badly! I’m like you – I have plenty of ideas but when it comes to getting them down and the grammer right, I struggle!
I’m glad that you shared with me that you struggle with it too.
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I love Grammarly too. It’s a great tool for sure. Makes blogging so much easier for sure!
You’re right it makes blogging and interacting across the web a lot easier.
What a good idea to use! I know for me, it would have been nice to have this software when I first started my blog. I go back and read old posts and laugh. I have came such a long way.
I think we all come a long ways the more we write and do this. It amazes me how much differently I write now compared to what I did even two years ago.
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That seems like a good product for students! Especially if it helps them learn, not just them counting on it to correct them.
As you seen in the video, when we use this program we do have to still think about what we are doing. It just doesn’t automatically fix it all for us. I think that’s why I like it so much because it helps me to actually learn what I’m doing wrong.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
Grammarly sounds like a great software product and it’s probably one that more people should use. 🙂 I really love that you can use this with Facebook and twitter as well.
I love that it followers me wherever I am across the Net. It keeps me from looking like an idiot half the time.
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I need this! I have anxiety about my grammar and this would help. I don’t ever post on FB because I am so ashamed of it.
This product will really help you overcome that anxiety for sure. It definitely helps me feel more confident.
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Thanks for the reminder, I had it installed and love, love it and just reinstalled again. I agree 100% about how great it is to use.
I’m glad you enjoyed the reminder.
This program sounds amazing! I will have to check it out the next time I sit to write!
I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
I have heard of Grammarly! This would be perfect for my daughter who is in college and me!! Can’t wait to give this a try.
I am sure she will benefit from having it at her disposal.It is such a great program for so many reasons.
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My mom calls me the grammar queen. I make mistakes, though, so Grammarly might be for me! (I don’t know that I’m the QUEEN but I do like things to be correct!)
Well, if the Queen can consider using this program then I’m sure others can too. 🙂 Glad to know you’re interested in giving it a try.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
I’ve never heard of this tool. How great is that. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome.I hope you find it beneficial.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
Now that sounds like a useful program. I know many, many people who could use this, especially on FB.
I do too. 🙂 I know it sure helps me.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
I really like that the extension can go with you as you do your social too. That’s super helpful!
That it is. The has become my lifesaver in many ways.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
I am a grammar freak so this sounds like a great program!!
If you’re a grammar freak, you’ll love this program. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter too because it is always filled with valuable information too.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
This program sounds great! I constantly use whatever free editors I can find online for my college papers.
You’ll love this one. If you decide to get the premium version you’ll love it.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
Wow, I hand’t heard of this before! Very neat program!
This is a great program. I am a huge fan of it.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.
This is a great post to have penned as I’ve never heard of Grammarly, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. While I can spell quite well, it’s the grammar that often gets me down. Thanks for alerting us readers to this great resource!
Grammar is a bit tricky for me too. I love this program because of that. I’m glad you feel more people benefit from using it too.
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