Keeping Your Calm Over the Holidays

As the holiday season is revving up full speed ahead, you’re probably beginning to feel overwhelmed. From the shopping to the gatherings and decorating frenzy, you hardly have a moment to catch your breath. It’s time to slow down and relax. Tackle each obstacle one by one and you won’t feel so pressured. Keep calm and cross things off your list bit by bit as you spread them out to avoid the holiday rush.

Get By with a Little Help From Your Friends and Family

Remember that Rome was not built in a day and you don’t need to get everything done all at once. Enlist the help of family and friends as you divide and conquer the tasks that must be accomplished. As you take on house cleaning, give everyone a different responsibility. Bring in the professionals to take care of your carpets, ensuring they are fresh and clean when company arrives at your door. To find out about your options, get more info here.

Break Up Your Shopping

So many of us try to tackle the shopping list in one day, running ragged from morning to night. Make your life easier to choosing different days to shop. You can even concentrate on each person on your list, one at a time. Don’t forget online shopping. You can sit from the comfort of your own home with a cup of coffee at your side. The presents will show up at your door.

Hold a Decorating Party

When you feel like the task of bringing Valentine cheer to your home is simply too big of a burden for one person, make it a party! Bring your family together, order pizza, break out the popcorn, and let everyone have at it. By the end of the day, you are home will be decked out and you won’t be flat out.

Take Some Time Out for You

Sit back and smell the pine scent. Sip a cup of tea or cocoa while you rest up for the big day. It is important to give yourself a chance to unwind. Pamper yourself with your own gift by taking a trip to the spa. Get a massage from a professional or enlist the aid of your partner. Take a step back and don’t forget the spirit of joy this season.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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