Kids Educational Science Video Review

I was given the chance to review Library and Educational Services DVDs to review in exchange for an honest blog review. That in no way shaped my opinion of these DVDs.

About Library and Educational Services

If you’re like me you have no clue who Library and Educational Services is all about. I am pleased to say that they are a wholesale distributor that has been in business for 37 years. Considering they are a small family operated company out of the banks of St. Joseph River in Southwest Michigan that’s quite an accomplishment in my book. To me that states that they strive to provide quality products and services, and from the DVDs that I received I have to say that they managed to achieve that goal spot on. They make certain they provide you with a real human customer interaction experience. But they’re not the only ones, as there are numerous video solutions on the market that provide useful teaching and learning options.

Go Science Review

The Go Science series is a series that was created to get kids engaged in science. Theses science videos are filled with many interactive science experiments to keep your kids interested. The instructor Ben Roy is in front of a bunch of kids which made my kids feel like they were actually in a classroom like setting with those kids. I’ve noticed my kids always get wrapped up in shows or movies that have other kids in it. The Go Science series recommended for kids ages 6-10, but I can vouch that my two year old was just as glued to the TV as my boys were.

Small Sample  Science Video

I included a small little video for you to preview what your kids could get by watching these series.

We had the chance to review two of the seven DVDs in their Go Science series. We reviewed the Volume Four: Motion, Friction, Electricity, Light and the Volume Seven: Engineering, Design, Flight. I choose the first one because both boys are fascinated with electricity. The last one was chosen especially for Jimmy since he has a strong desire to be a pilot in the Air Force.

Our Review

I put science videos on during a really bad weather day here, and the kids soaked it up. They enjoyed seeing all the various experiments that took place throughout the shows. They were highly impressed by the various things that were able to be done. Some of the experiments they knew what would happen, but not many. They thought that they could do some of them without any trouble.
The main trick they thought they could do with total ease was the marble in a glass trick without it falling out. I gave them the chance to try it with a few cups and a ball, but it wasn’t as easy as they thought it would be for them. They were so embarrassed by their efforts they begged me not to share their attempts with the world.
These science videos are well worth getting.  Each DVD has a list price of $14.95, but they sell them for $8.97.  The The ONLY complaint my kids had was at the end of each episode in the DVD series the man stated: “Every time we learn more about science, we learn more about our creator God!” I think these DVDs would have been better had they made them into one long show on each DVD instead of a bunch of little episodes on each one. I have to admit, I love God and believe in his statement, but they did start to sound like a broken record throughout the DVDs.
They love to work with schools, churches, libraries and resellers. If you’re interested in working with them you can gain more information by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook.
Don’t forget to check out my fellow SchoolHouse Review Crew’s review by clicking the banner.

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

25 comments on “Kids Educational Science Video Review”

  1. My kids would love this. She is always fascinated with Science. I already bought her a lot of DVDs about Science experiments and explorations and she loved them all. I want to add this one on her collection. Where can I buy this? Is it possible in Amazon or Ebay?

  2. I’m glad to hear your kids would love this. “If you’re interested in working with them you can gain more information by visiting their website.” (Where it says website click on it.)

  3. These look like great resources. My son is 4 years old and we’ve been doing lots of science experiments lately. He loves them!

    • You definitely need to consider getting this for them then. They are pretty interesting and the kids learn a good bit from them.

    • I love that. Well, at least you know you have a smart future scientist on your hands and memories that will remain with you all forever.

    • My kids sure seemed to enjoy them. Shoot to be honest, even I stopped what I was doing to watch some of the experiments.

  4. As with anything, if it’s done too much it wears on you, so I can see what you’re saying with the preaching. Otherwise, it sounds great.

    • You said it perfectly, it’s great that they are doing that, but they did it to much. Otherwise though, it is a great little series.

    • That makes it hard to teach them Science in my book because you can’t always be hands on unless you have an unlimited amount of disposable income to spend on the things needed for projects.

    • It definitely is helpful. My kids were so wrapped up watching these shows I only heard laughter and oooos and ahhs the entire time it was on.

  5. This sounds like fun! I’m a big fan of educational videos, especially for science when it can be tough to get the equipment at home, and it sounds like this program really makes kids curious.


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