LearningPallette.com Review

We were given the chance to review Learning Wrap ups new online program called LearningPallette.com in exchange for an honest blog review. That in no way shaped my opinion of this product.

LearningPallette.com is a program that is designed to teach kids reading and math online in a fun manner. There is two sections in this program. The reading portion is set up for teaching K-3 students. The math portion is set up for the teaching K-5 students. The way this online program works is a student will log into their account and choose which subject they want to focus on first.

Learning Wrap-Ups Review
Once they choose math or reading, they are given a palette with 12 questions on it. Then they will use a color palette that is either solid or an open ring to answer their questions. Young students love being able to play matching the colors with the correct answer that goes the question. My son loved filling in the circles with right color.

The questions were just challenging enough to keep my child interested in doing them. However, he’s also very smart and knew he got some of the answers right that the program kept telling him he was wrong and wouldn’t let him match up the colors to the answers the first couple times we tried this program. I knew other bloggers were already talking to customer service about this issue so we waited and tried the program again later.

The next time we tried it, it worked beautifully. We used it for several hours because we were having so much fun going through these “card games” as we were referring to it. I went back later on that day to get a screen shot of the amount of palettes we completed that day to be sourly disappointed because it gave us NO credit for anything we did. All the hard work and time we put into doing these cards was not recorded at all. Talk about major disappointed kids! Kids LOVE seeing their progress, and knowing they can go back and finish it.

The concept behind this program is actually really awesome. I have read the reviews of my fellow Schoolhouse Crew for the physical products that Learning Wraps ups offers and they have received very high praises. I believe if I had the physical products it would have been a solid hit in our home too. Honestly, if the LearningPallette.com program technical issues were not there it would have also been well received. I do know that the staff is working diligently to fix these issues! I believe that they will have them fixed in no time.

I would still recommend this product to those looking for a reading and math product combination for students between K-3. (I do think it’s a bit too amateur for my fourth grader.) You can purchase this program for $59.99 for up to 5 users. Since you are a loyal reader they are offering you a 20% discount by using the coupon code: HOMESCHOOL.

You can learn more about this program and their other physical products by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter too. Be sure to check out my fellow SchoolhouseReview Crew’s reviews of this program by clicking on the picture below.

Click to read Crew Reviews
Do you think your child would enjoy using this program? 

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

29 comments on “LearningPallette.com Review”

  1. What an interesting concept for a program. Would have been a great addition to the educational activities did with my kids when they were younger

    • I almost have to do it to my kids because my oldest goes through this funk during the first half of the school year if I don’t. I almost am glad he’s being forced to do summer school just for that reason alone.

  2. My kids are always looking for fun ways to do ‘educational’ activities, as I stress their importance. I will check this out!

  3. This is fantastic! I’ve bookmarked this to come back to later, since I’m in a hotel on hotel wifi and the signal’s crappy, but this looks like a wonderful program that I’m going to want to read more about and get for my kids. Thank you!

  4. This sounds like a great program and $59.99 is not a bad price for five users. I have to look into it more because my nieces and nephew really need something like this.

    • I agree that the price point isn’t a bad one for five users. Don’t forget to tell your family about the 20% discount code. (Please note I don’t know how long the code is good for.)

  5. What a great resource! I have found my kids are much more eager to learn when it is something on the computer. Technology is amazing!

    • I love technology. I have to agree with you kids love to learn through technology a lot. That’s one of the reasons I love to homeschool my kids. We use technology for almost everything.

  6. We loved our Learning Wrap-Ups when we were younger! I think it’s great that they’re expanding their products to include modern technology, but I do still have a fondness for the old wrap-ups. 🙂

  7. Shae loves her educational websites. It’s great that they’re putting out even more sites for homeschooled children.


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