LEGO: Jurassic World Video Game Review

I have mentioned MANY times how much we love playing LEGO video games. I eagerly await the new ones each time they come out. This time I rented LEGO: Jurassic World from Gamefly.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00SXEOMWW” locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]LEGO: Jurassic World[/easyazon_link] follows along with the Jurassic Park movies. The kids and I started on the Jurassic World section just to see what it had to offer. The kids and I enjoy being able to fight and act as different dinosaurs. We haven’t completely finished out the Jurassic World section because we got stuck.

We went over to the Jurassic Park section of the game. It follows along with the story line of the movies. It’s almost like we get to function as the actors within the movie. (That’s truly the case with many of the LEGO games that are inspired from movies.)

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B00SXEOMWW” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″ width=”351″]

LEGO: Jurassic World has excellent graphics and game play. I highly recommend it for any kid. It’s a great game for parents to play with their kids too. (I am addicted to LEGO video games because they are easy and fun!)

The one thing that I truly love about LEGO video games the most is the fact there are little challenges and hidden objects all throughout the game. I can play the game for days on end and always do something new. It also forces my kids to learn the fine arts of teamwork.

Have you played LEGO video games yet?



Video Game Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

70 comments on “LEGO: Jurassic World Video Game Review”

    • Stacie,

      It is so much fun. I make time to play them over the summer with the kids almost daily. It’s addictive and fun to see how much we can accomplish together.

  1. Lego video games are so much fun! I’ve played Lego Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Pirates of the Caribbean. The only problem with this one is…I don’t have a Wii U 🙁 We’ve got the old Wii.

    • Christy,

      I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have any other systems? It’s available on almost all the rest of them. I love our Wii U. It’s a lot easier to play on compared to the Wii. Plus I can use it for other things too.

    • I’m sure he would. There is so much to do in Lego games that you can play them for a LONG time! We are still working on finding the little odd and end things in the first LEGO game we got.

    • Sometimes we have to ban them from electronics! I get it 110%. I do it with my kids a good bit too. When I do it though, I do honestly wonder who’s punished more me or them.

  2. No, I have not played any lego games. I really don’t play any video games. As I can’t do them long because of issues with my wrist. My teens love playing video games.

    • I’m sorry to hear that you have wrist issues, it’s a pain to have to deal with that! I don’t think your teens would appreciate this game that much.

    • My sons have the Lego Magazine subscription and they eagerly read it when it makes it’s grand arrival. They are quick to tell me all about any updates that may be happening with it.

  3. This looks like a great game. My kids would love it. I will have to share this with my friends that have kids.

  4. Sounds like a fun game especially for all those dinosaur lovers of the world and I know there are a lot!

  5. Omg how fun is this game?!?! Legos and Jurassic world?!? I can just imagine how happy little
    Kids are about this

  6. I have played LEGO games a few times and always enjoyed them. They seem to be a bit more kid friendly than standard versions yet just as exciting.

    • They will definitely enjoy playing it if they are younger than 14. I think 14 seems to be the cut off on the excitement with the LEGO games (at least that seems to be the case in our family.)

  7. I see Lego video games in our near future. While I don’t want my little guy to be a video game zombie, I do want him to enjoy games like this.

    • I don’t let my kids play video games all day long either. I keep it to a minimum. There are days when we do become video game zombies, but that’s very rare. That’s usually because I’m to sick to want to deal with their other activities (climbing, building forts, fighting (play), and having to play chase the kids.)

  8. I love LEGO games and it is favorite among kids. The movie was great so I am hoping the game would be interesting. Will be checking this out.

    • The game is really good. It seems to follow along pretty well with the Jurassic Park movies. I didn’t get to see Jurassic World yet, but it was exciting playing that level.

  9. With how popular the movie has been, I’m glad to know there is great merchandise also available. This game sounds like so much fun. And with all the extras, the family will be playing all summer long.

    • I didn’t get to see the newest movie, but I definitely plan to once it hits DVD. Thank you for telling me it was good.

    • Don’t worry, if it wasn’t for my husband and kids love of video games chances are high I wouldn’t have known anything about it either. My husband reeled me into the video game world with the LEGO games.

  10. I have to get this for my son…. he has several Lego video games and he just saw the new Jurassic World movie, so I know he would love the Lego game version.

  11. I’m a 29 year old man and I’m not embarrassed to say that I really like this game. I was in the store and seeing a Lego game on the shelf got me thinking back to the countless hours I’d spent with my lego collection in my room, so I got it to pay homage. But it turns out the game is actually pretty fun. Way to go Lego.

    • Dustin,

      I’m glad that you stopped by and shared your love of this game with us. I am a huge LEGO video game fan. I look forward to their new arrivals.

      I’m glad you stopped by and commented. I hope to see you again soon.

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