Making Your Computer And Blog More Secure

It seems that a day does not go by without news of identity fraud or some sort of data breach. Many of us have also experienced the horror moment where we check our online banking only to see purchases we have never made. While living in a digital age brings many benefits, it also brings many privacy and security concerns.

Last month, we celebrated Computer Security Day, but this does not mean that computer security should be a one-off event. With this in mind, we are going to provide you with some top tips on how to keep your computer safe…

You may be surprised to learn that Computer Security Day began in 1988. Although PC security may seem like a recent issue, it has always been somewhat of a concern. In 1988, although computers weren’t ubiquitous in homes, they were becoming commonplace, especially in government and business. The Internet was in its early stages, and since the days of modern computing, hacking and viruses have been around. The only trouble is that hackers are getting more and more sophisticated as time passes. This is why you need to follow the tips below to protect your computer:

Don’t open unknown emails – If you receive an email from a sender that you do not recognise, be cautious. You should never, under any circumstance, open an attachment from an unknown source. If you do so, there is a very high chance you will download a virus. Also, avoid clicking on unknown links, as you may be a target of a phishing scam.

Install decent anti-virus software – Mac users, this includes you too! While Mac computers are generally more secure, they are not exempt from viruses.

Make sure your blog is secure – Bloggers need to make an effort to keep their website secure. In this regard, Jumio’s Netverify offers a slew of benefits, so it is worth checking out programs like this.

Choose passwords carefully – Passwords should be a mixture of lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, and symbols. Don’t choose anything that can easily be guessed, such as your birthday or ‘letmein’. Also, use a different password for every website or system.

Back up your data – Not only does backing up your data help you in the event of a computer crash, but it will help if you fall prey to ransomware too.

Don’t trust public WiFi – If you use the Internet while having a cup of coffee at your local café, don’t use it for anything sensitive, for instance, checking your bank account.

Keep your computer up to date – One of the most common reasons for a computer being compromised is because the operating system is not up to date.

Invest in a firewall – Your computer or device, and your router, both need to have an effective firewall in place.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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