Mash Up Conditioning #Fitness DVD Review

I was given the Mash Up Conditioning Tempo Fitness DVD to review in exchange for an honest blog review. In no way, has that impaired my opinion of this DVD. 

I honestly agreed to do this review of this fitness DVD for my best friend. She is ALWAYS trying out new fitness DVDs or using videos online to keep herself in great shape. She definitely works hard to keep herself looking beautiful and it shows! She is also a prior fitness instructor. So, I felt if anyone could give this product a solid review it would be her.

Prior to her getting it though, the kids and I gave it a run for the money. It is actually a great little DVD that is perfect for all ranges of fitness gurus. The first section of the DVD breaks it down and tells you how to best use this system. The instructor has three different people all doing different levels of exercise at the same time. The DVD is also broken down into different levels too.

My boys were doing the middle person. I was doing the level one person’s workout. I tried to get them to do the level three person’s workout and they attempted it as hard as they could, but they couldn’t do it. It was actually nice to be able to focus on one person, and not feel like I was trying to attempt to do the impossible.

I tried the Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred DVD and that DVD is one kick butt fitness DVD. She has jammed a lot into that one DVD. Those workouts made me cry in pain within a few minutes of starting. The Mash Up Conditioning DVD was such a wonderful change to that.

I feel like I could do this DVD with my best friend without fear. I believe we’d have fun with it. She stated that was one of the things she loved most about this too. To quote her, “No one feels left out or left behind. If you need to slow down you can or if you want to attempt something harder you can. It’s just great.”

The instructor also ensures that everyone gets the proper breathing in throughout the workout too. She also gives suggestions of how to stay involved during those periods when you just feel like you need to slow down, but don’t want to go all the way back to another level.

Here is a quick little video about it for you’re review:


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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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