Memoria Press ~ Book of Astronomy Set Review

Astronomy has always been a subject that I’ve found to be interesting and complex all at the same time. When I was growing up I studied it well and tried to remember all of the constellations, but I never did succeed. When I was given the chance to review Memoria Press Book of Astronomy Set through Schoolhouse Review Crew I was delighted because I wanted to be able to share my passion for the stars with my kids.

About Memoria Press Book of Astronomy Set

The Book of Astronomy Set is designed for 3rd Graders, but can be used with older students. This astronomy curriculum covers the constellations for the entire year. It talks about each constellations names. It even has students draw many of the constellations repeatedly throughout the workbook.

Our Review

Even though this astronomy set was designed for Delbert, I had Jimmy use it because he’s my little Science buff. I figured he’d appreciate learning this information more than Delbert at this point. This workbook made sure to have him memorize the brightest stars and their constellations in order. It also covers their Latin and their Greek history. He had to draw the constellations numerous times throughout the book too.

Jimmy started out enjoying this assignment, but then it became monotonous about halfway through the book. Granted he was learning about different constellations, but the method for teaching them was quite repetitive. Since that was the case he didn’t truly grasp the concepts as easily as I had hoped.

I was hoping the Teacher’s Guide would have some ideas on how to make learning this fun and engaging. I remember when I was in school learning about the stars we did a project showcasing our favorite constellations. I choose Pegasus. I tried to recreate that same project with Jimmy, but it didn’t turn out quite as I had hoped.

Jimmy choose to do the two constellations Pollux and Castor. I think he choose these two constellations because they are believed to be two half-brothers. I believe in his mind they represent him and Delbert since they are half-brothers who are both always acting as if they are some great warriors.

The Book of Astronomy Set covers all the major details about constellations. It does give some of the stories and had I got the  D’Aulaires Greek Myths book to go with this set I believe it would have made for more interesting lessons. I’ll still probably get that book once I can get my library to get it in stock and do more with this set than we already have.

The Book of Astronomy Set sells for $31.90 which isn’t a bad price for the amount of information you get in this workbook. That includes both the student and the teachers edition.

Learn More About Memoria Press

Logic, Greek Myths and Astronomy Memoria Press Review
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Do you think your kids would love to learn about astronomy using this set?

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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