Men’s Clothing From A Man’s Point of View

by: The Husband

Last night, a thought struck me pretty quickly. I was watching Project Runway with my wife (like we’ve done together since the very first season.) I was listening to the two women complain about the fact that they are not use to making feminine clothing. It dawned on me that they have yet to create a line of clothing FOR MEN out of 10 seasons!! Are women and male homosexuals the only ones who care about fashion in the fashion industries eyes???

I enjoy watching Project Runway because I enjoy seeing what type of fashions are suppose to be current or upcoming trends for my wife and now daughter to wear. Plus I have to admit I also like to access the people who are competing. However, I’m actually getting upset by the fact that they haven’t considered men as a targeted audience. I would love to look stylish without looking womanly. That brings me to another point….my wife is addicted to Pinterest, and she has tried to find me outfits on it that I may like to wear, but guess what everything that seems to be pinned has a really womanly touch to it.

Now, I’m a country redneck man. I like to wear my jeans, a nice shirt (that is also comfortable), and decent shoes. However, there are times when I do like to step it up with a nice pair of slacks, a nice dress shirt, my jewelry, and a nice pair of shoes for when I take my wife out on our dates.

So my question is: Where is the masculine clothing for a man who likes to dress nice but be comfortable and have clothes that can handle hard work??



Fine Living

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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