Mother’s Day 2014

First off, I hope that you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I have been in the dumps all week long. I don’t know how to explain it but this time of year has become a really hard time of year to handle. Maybe it’s because it’s a reminder of the last three weeks of my mom’s life in 2010 as she battled cancer. I noticed a trend today while I was reading other blogger’s posts, I’M NOT ALONE! There are many other women who are in the same exact shoes as myself. It was refreshing to read those blog posts and to know I wasn’t alone through this heartache.
I had a really good Mother’s Day enjoying the small things in my day with my family. It had one hiccup, but otherwise, it was perfect. The kids woke up eager to tell me Happy Mother’s Day and shower me with kisses and hugs. Delbert couldn’t even wait for his siblings to get up to give me the card they all signed for me. Thor, our puppy who is almost the size of a small Shetland pony, even made sure to cuddle up on me a lot today and shower me with lots of puppy love.
Del let me do anything I wanted to do. This may sound horrible, but I literally took two naps today. (For someone who stays up until 12-2 AM several days a week and then is back up walking the dog at 6AM again, that was pure heaven.)
Del cooked dinner so I didn’t have to cook and Jimmy did dishes. It was so nice to not have to stress over those small details. Oh yea, Delbert did an entire load of clothes from start to finish and he did it well.
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I also got to get to the tail end of the second book of the A Path Less Traveled (A Miller’s Creek Novel). I was literally less than 30 minutes away from finishing my book when my Kindle battery died. It is such a great book, and filled with reminders of how we let our pride and fear stand in our way of really doing God’s will.
I felt like I was being kicked in the behind the entire time of reading this amazing romance. God doesn’t stop us from going through the hard times, but he does use them for his good! I do let my fear and insecurity get in the way a lot. I’m getting better about it, but I still have my periods of time when I hold back.
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00H9LHVHI&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=tidbitofexp 20I almost forgot to mention, I also finally got the chance to watch the movie Labor Dayir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00H9LHVHI
yesterday. It was a bit of a slow movie, but it was still a great movie to watch too. In some parts of it, I was losing interest, but then something would happen to pull me back into it. (I rented this movie on my own through Redbox, but gave my opinion on my own accord.)
I’ve been enjoying a new channel a lot today that I found on my DIRECTV lineup called UP. Its primary purpose is to provide uplifting entertainment. From the shows and movies I’ve gotten to enjoy on it, I love it. It’s great family entertainment. (Just for the record, this network in no way paid or requested I mention them, but I just wanted to share my opinion on my own.)
Del has been addicted to Defiance. He plays it every chance he gets when his Internet is strong enough to handle him playing. I am so eager for Wolfestine: The New Order comes out. At least then he’ll be playing something new for a change. It’s been a long time since Del has played another game besides Defiance.

How was your Mother’s Day?

Disclosure: I may not have been paid to write about these products of services, but I was given the book to review. That in no way shaped my opinion of this book. I did also include affiliate links in this post. If you do click on the links, and buy something I do earn a small commission at no expense to you.



Book Reviews, Entertainment

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

26 comments on “Mother’s Day 2014”

  1. I had a great mothers day, but I can certainly see how it can be hard for those who have lost their own mothers, or their children. Hugs!

    • Thanks for the hugs. I had a good one too. I just was going through a phase of missing my mom. I go through it every May now. However, as the years go by it is getting easier.

  2. Crystal, I sure hope this week just gets better and better for you. Last week was a bit brutal with so much bad news, and I can definitely understand Mother’s Day being so difficult with the loss of your own mother. I’m sorry. I just want to encourage you and send good thoughts your way for a better week this week.

  3. I haven’t read that book or seen that movie. I will have to look for them.

    Mother’s Day was spent with the kids while my husband traveled. It was nice to just be homes and not on the go even though I missed seeing my mom!

  4. We always celebrate by putting flowers at my husbands mom’s grave. She has been gone for quite a few years now but always like to show that we miss her.

    • Sounds like a really great day. I have been meaning to write up my review of that movie, but there are so many thoughts on it that keep going through my mind. 🙂

  5. This Mother’s Day was bittersweet for me. My middle child left for boot camp a few weeks ago and though I had really crossed my fingers waiting for a call, it never came. I know that he wasn’t allowed to call bothered him as much as it did me. Though I was really missing him, it was a good day with my other children and my husband and I may just have dozed off a bit as well.

    • That had to be hard to not hear from him. You’re probably right that he didn’t like it anymore than you did either. My oldest has made it clear since he was three years old that he wants to go into the Air Force. We’ve all shown him complete support on the idea, but I’m definitely not looking forward to it.
      I’m glad you had a great day with your other children and husband!

  6. I’m glad your family treated you right on Mother’s Day! I’m sure it’s a bittersweet day {so sorry to hear about your Mom} but it sounds like you were able to mostly enjoy it.

    • I love napping way to much. Of course, I have major trouble sleeping at night so napping is almost a must for me. So, to have the luxury of sleeping however much I wanted on Mother’s Day was a REAL treat for me!! It was the best gift!

  7. I’m not a Mom, but I do still get a bit sad around Mother’s Day because the relationship with my own mom didn’t end so wonderfully. I’m glad it sounded like you ended up having a pretty good Mother’s Day though!

    • Michelle,
      I understand about how you can be upset over not having your relationship with your mom ending in a negative manner making Mother’s Day hard on you. I didn’t have a good relationship with my mom either, but I appreciate her more now than I did when she was living. 🙁

  8. Things like this always make me realize I should appreciate my mom more. While we don’t always see eye to eye, I’m glad shes still around.


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