Movie Tuesday "Brave" Review

This movie was amazing. Of course, I’ve always been a huge fan of Pixar movies. Pixar movies have great animation, and I love the fact that they provide both kids and adults with wonderful entertainment.

This movie reminds me of my relationship with my mom. We butted heads so much. She was very strict with me. She demanded a curfew when I went out on dates, and I was so amazed that guys didn’t seem the least bit put off by it. (I lived by that curfew even after moved back home for six months when I moved from Ohio back to SC, and had to get things in order when I moved back.)
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I was a tomboy through and through. I had no problem going into town with my behind covered in horse hairs from riding bareback. I also didn’t mind being covered in sweat and hay from throwing around bales of hay like they were packs of flour. I hated the idea of wearing a dress and heels. (Now I’d love to be able to do it comfortably again!!)

My Dad was the one who wanted me prim and proper. He wanted me to be the “lady”. Of course, I’m glad that I was able to be taught both avenues. Even though, I hated going shopping all day long for clothes. (I LOVED the clothes, but hated the shopping part.) Of course, I always trusted my Dad’s taste in clothes. He is a king at picking out what looks amazing on a woman both in clothes and jewelry.

This movie is a great family movie. It’s perfect for mothers and daughters to watch together. It allows the chance to have an open honest communication without pointing negative fingers at each other. At least it did in my mind.

If you have a strong willed child don’t forget to check out my two book reviews dealing with raising kids who love to challenge parents. You Can’t Make Me But I Can Be Persuaded and Tough Guys And Drama Queens.

If you watched this movie, what did you think about it?



Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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