My Biggest Back to School Challenge

I appreciate the fact that I am blessed with the chance to homeschool my kids and my niece this year. Teaching them literally sucks up every ounce of my day Monday-Friday from the time my feet hit the floor until sometimes as late as 9 PM at night. It’s almost an Act of Congress to get them through all of their lessons in that time frame. I still thrive to keep this blog growing because it’s a passion of mine, and I feel it as something that I’m called to do. Plus, I’ve found that if I don’t write the words that weigh heavy on my heart then I can’t rest in peace.
Resting in peace has become my biggest back to school challenge this year. I want this year to be a year where my kids grow and thrive both educationally, but also in other aspects of their lives. I want their moral composes and in their attitudes towards others and life in general, to be reshaped this year.
I feel a great amount of pressure on me this year be an example to them. I aspire for them to see that they can achieve their dreams! They CAN be the difference in their own lives. I want them to be attracted to the idea of learning new things.
I long for them to see within themselves what I see when I look at them. I wish for them to open up their eyes to their abilities and how they can make a difference in not only their lives but in those around them! As a result, of longing for all of these things for the kids, I spend a lot of time doing what I can to ensure they get these messages.
The craziness of our schedule and my analytical mind working overtime at night reviewing how my day was with the kids, I have been having a hard time getting quality sleep at night since school has started. I have to ensure that I have the perfect setting for getting the most amount of sleep I can when my head does finally hit the pillow about 2-3AM.
I got a pair of eye masks to wear at night from Netflix in one of my goodie boxes from them as a part of their #StreamTeam and I used them religiously once I tried them one night. However, Mr. Max got hold of them and destroyed them. Needless to say, I was highly disappointed. I went on a hunt to try different eye masks, and I got this eye mask set  from Tomoson in exchange for an honest review.

I liked this set. It worked, but it slides off my head and literally sticks to my hair. It was quite painful to take it off each morning. It does have an adjustable strap, but since I have a small head, there’s a lot of leftover Velcro. Which, I could cut it off, but they didn’t fit on my face exactly as I would have liked completely.
They did block out the light and the ear plugs fit well in my ears. It just wasn’t a complete fit for me to continue to want to use them. Del tried them, but he doesn’t like eye masks like I do. He’s one of those people who makes sure that some light is in the room at night.
I’m still on the hunt for another pair as wonderful as the ones that Netflix sent me! I’ve become spoiled with having a mask block out the excess light and forcing me to shut my mind down almost immediately after I get in bed.

What kind of sleep mask do you use?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “My Biggest Back to School Challenge”

  1. I am one of those people who likes sleeping with some light. I have the opposite of most people, if the room is pitch black that’s when my mind starts to wander! You are a tough momma to teach those young minds! You have lofty goals and I think the kids will follow your example. They will be able to see themselves the way you see them because you see them that way!

    • Thank you for the compliment. I hope you’re right about them seeing themselves the way I do one day. Right now, it doesn’t seem that way.
      Many people like a little bit of light. I use to feel the same way, but now I have found that darkness is better for me. Honestly, I never figured that would be the case for me since I’ve always had some type of light on.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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