I mentioned that I am an entertainment lover. If I had the ability to record more shows at a time, I’d have it made. Of course, then I’d be more of a couch potato than I already am (which is usually a couple hours a day as it is.) I love to check out the new shows that come out on TV and see if they are any good to watch. I literally check out TVGuide.com a couple times a year and create my Watchlist so that I can keep track of when my shows are due to come on since I can’t preschedule them in advance on my system.
Currently, I’m already watching The Haves and the Have Nots, Mistresses, Drop Dead Diva, and a few other shows. I’m eager to check out these shows that are coming out in June and July. Some of them are just shows that I can’t wait to watch the next season on because they so far just keep getting better.
Five New Seasons I’m Eagerly Waiting for Their Return
- Royal Pains- This is actually going into Season 6. Royal Pains started out a bit awkward, but as it’s grown it seems to have just gotten better. That may be because I can relate to Evan in many ways. Evan is one of those guys who means well but in his efforts he makes mistakes. I tend to do that a lot. You can watch Royal Pains on USA starting 6/10. If you missed the first couple of seasons you can watch this video recap to get the gist of the series.
- Suits– To be honest, I’m not 100% sure why this show just captivates my full attention like it does. It may have something to do with the whole “Harvey Effect”, as I call it. It does have a bit of law involved with it, but it’s really just a bunch of drama! I’m all about watching drama unfold and eager to see what is really going to be the outcome of it all. You really should watch the first 3 seasons before you try to watch this one. (They are hosting a marathon on USA on June 11th.) I can’t wait until that night to watch the beginning of Season 6.
- Switched at Birth- This is about a two families who had their daughters switched at birth. There are many twists and turns all throughout this show. I find it fascinating that the two families have sort of combined their family lives together. I also enjoy reliving my teenager years so to speak through the teenagers in this show. It has been on for three seasons. You can catch up on shows missed by checking out ABC Family’s website.
- Face Off- This is a show that can be boring at times, and we do a lot of fast forwarding through it. However, I can help but enjoy seeing the creations that these contestants create to win the grand prize. During this show the contestants make various kinds of sci-fi creations based off of a theme that is given to them. It does usually have some contestant drama, but we watch a lot of the creations unfold along the way. I am NOT a huge of this show, but Del does seem to. You can watch the new season beginning July 22nd at 9pm on Syfi.
- Defiance- This show is going on second season. My husband plays the Defiance video game with a passion! However, I have to admit the show itself it actually pretty interesting. I think I’m more interested in the setting and story line than anything else. It’s interesting to me to see what a person’s viewpoint is of what our world will become in the years to come. It gets a lot of hype for good reason. Defiance comes back on SyFi on June 19th.
Five New Shows I’m Itching To See
- Mystery Girls- Honestly, I’m eager to watch this because two of my favorite actresses are going to be in it. “It’s about two former friends reuniting and putting their crime-solving skills to the test.” I am looking forward to watching the premiere on June 25th at 8:30pm to see if it lives up to my expectations.
- Chasing Life- Chasing Life one show that I’m really eager to see. My mom died of lung cancer and once she got diagnosed with only having six months left to live her outlook on life totally changed. This series reminds me of what my mom went through during her final months. I look forward to seeing all of the things this character does with her final days. The series premier goes live on June 10th on ABC Family.
- Girl Meets World- In many ways, I feel like I’m adding to the already broken record of this show publications. However, I can’t hold back. I loved watching Boy Meets World growing up, and my kids and I watch it together too. So, it’s just fitting that I’m enthused to see that they have come out with Girl Meets World. It finally makes it grand arrival to our television sets on June 27th at 9:45 on Disney.
- The Strain- The Strain is based off of the The Strain: Book One of The Strain Trilogy by Del Toro Guillermo
books. It’s yet another vampire based show. Of course, I have enjoyed many other Vampire shows, especially Vampire Dairies off of CW. This new show airs on FX on July 13th at 10pm. (Can we say, Mommy time out to relax?) I hope it’s as good as it sounds. The book has received 790 positive reviews.
- Dominion- “Dominion is an epic supernatural drama set in the near future. Specifically, 25 years after “The Extinction War,” when an army of lower angels, assembled by the archangel Gabriel, waged war against mankind. The archangel Michael, turning against his own kind, chose to side with humanity. Rising out of the ashes of this long battle are newly fortified cities which protect human survivors. At the center of the series is the city of Vega, a glistening empire that has formed from the ruins of what was once Las Vegas.” I saved this show for the end because it’s the one I’m eagerly waiting to see the most. It comes on SyFi right after Defiance on June 19th.
This is my line up. I know I like a wide range of shows. It’s a good thing some of these shows are shows that my husband and I watch together. So, that I can actually keep up with all of them.
What is on your summer viewing line up?
I have never seen any of those 🙂 Suits is one I’d probably enjoy
I am so into Suits! I have watched this series a couple of times. I love when they have their marathons.
And I thought there was nothing to watch on TV during the summer! I must admit I have not seen any of these shows, so thank you for descriptions.
I tend to find so many things to watch. I feel like a couch potato at least once a week, but it’s my day to unwind. Plus I end up giving a lot these shows a try to only end up deleting them from my list of shows to watch.
Wow, I am super behind in TV shows. I probably heard of a couple of these shows, but have not a single episode of any of the shows mentioned. I did hear that Switched at Birth was a really good show, that’s something that I would probably watch from the list.
It is a good show. I believe you’d like it.
I confess that I watch Face Off. It is just weird to see what those people can create. And I like seeing the beginnings of how a Monster is created. Sometimes I hate it when people get booted off.
I know. I think they made some terrible decisions with some of them.
You just made my day! I didn’t know The Strain was going to start next month…. can I say best vampire book ever???? So creepy… 🙂
It looks creepy to me too, but yet interesting too. Did you watch The Last Ship?? That was totally awesome, that hour flew by so fast I felt like it just started when it was over.
Oooh, I hadn’t heard of that one, we will have to check it out. Thanks!
I’m glad I was able to tell you about a new show that interests you. 🙂
I really enjoy watching suits and switched at birth both good shows.
My wife is attached to them for sure.