in Review

Have you heard about the website?? This site allows you to connect with people that you may not have stayed in touch with. This website allows you to know who is looking for you and when. It also allows you to track your identity information too. I also find that it’s quite interesting to see the other people that are on the web that have your same name and other types of information.

You can also look people up by zip code now too. This is definitely an advantage when your wanting to find people who are locally still around you. I know it comes in handy for me because there are still people I want to stay in touch with, but was afraid they had moved away. If they have then I can easily find that out just by trying to locate them using the zip code.

You can also help clarify who you are really are in the search engines as well. There are many different things that keep showing up on my credit report for example because the search engines have their information wrong. There is also the feature of finding work.  You can even find your next date on this site. This site offers so many things.

You can even regulate all of your social media sites on one location. Which anyone who does this on other programs knows firsthand how valuable of a tool that is? I know I personally love being able to keep track of all of my social media sites in one location. Being able to speed up the time it takes to keep up with all of the social media activity is a tool every business person needs.

This social media site is working hard at gaining ground with the other social media sites out there. It definitely offers a good bit. To me, it’s like a mini version of all the social media sites that I’m actively involved in combined into one site. It’s worth looking into in more detail for your own personal use.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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