Nice To Meet You Blog Hop

It’s blog hop time again! Thank you so much to all of those who has linked up on Nice to Meet You.

Let’s get started…

Do you want to find more blogs to read? Do you want to meet fellow bloggers? I do! That’s why my friend Brenna and I created Nice to Meet You {Blog Hop}. Let’s make some connections with people who likes blogging, just like us!

• Grab the Blog Hop button and add it to your blog.

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• Follow the hosts and co-host via GFC, RSS Feed, Bloglovin, Facebook, Twitter OR Pinterest. Whichever works best for you 😉

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Mariely @ Sensational Creations
Blog/ Bloglovin/ Facebook/ Twitter/ Pinterest/ Instagram


Brenna @ Life After Laundry
Blog/ RSS Feed/ Bloglovin/ Facebook/ Twitter/ Pinterest

And our amazing co-host for this week

Crystal @ Tidbits of Experience

Blog/ BloglovinFacebook/ TwitterPinterest

• Link up your blog (home page).
• Be sure to visit other blogs, leave comments and/or follow. Remember: this Blog Hop is to get to know fellow bloggers. Play nice 🙂
• You can invite fellow bloggers to join the party!

**New followers: please leave a comment with a link to your blog so we can follow you back. Tell us from where you are following us (for example Bloglovin) so we can return the favor. Thanks!
“Bloggers are your community… not your competition!” -Jamielyn Nye

Link up your blog below!




Photo of author


I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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