Nicholas Sparks Giveaway

As we go into the Valentine’s Day holiday, I definitely think of all the things that make my husband wonderful. I have always been a fan of Nicholas Sparks books and movies. I just realized I had never done a live book review on the MANY books I’ve read of his. I read them for a lot of personal pleasure!

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The movie The Notebook reminds me so much of Del and I’s relationship. My Mom was dead set against our relationship the TWO times we presented our relationship in front of her. However, before she passed away she was quick to say I finally was right where I belonged. She could see the love between us and how well worked together as a couple.

This movie made me cry like a river when I was apart from Del. Now I watch it and rejoice knowing that love won out not only in the movie, but in my life. I run to my loving husband’s arms and curl up knowing that we are finally where we do belong.

[Tweet “To be with the one you love is truly being home! @tidbitsofexperi”]

There are so many other wonderful books and movies I could share that I love of Nicholas Sparks!! If you love romance books and have never picked up one of his books or watched his movies, you really haven’t dived into true romance in my book.

Now you have the chance to win this complete Nicholas Sparks DVD collection set. This giveaway is open to US residents 18 and older. It runs from January 28, 2014 to February 11th, 2014. Just fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win. Tidbits of Experience is NOT responsible for the winner receiving this prize. I’m just co-hosting this amazing giveaway this time! It was just to good of a chance for my lovely readers to not be able to be able to jump in get their chance to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What is your favorite Nicholas Spark’s book or movie?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

43 comments on “Nicholas Sparks Giveaway”

  1. I really want to win this! I LOVE the Notebook. I cry ever.single.time I watch it. But then, A Walk to Remember is a good one too. And then… there is…Message in a Bottle. Okay, I need to stop now.

    • Tonya,

      I’m like you. I can list off a whole bunch of romance books/movies I love too. I’m always all over them both on TV and through DVD form. Now, Netflix too. 🙂

    • I’m a sucker for them too! I can read/watch them all day long everyday. I think that’s why Wednesday’s are my favorite day to write.

  2. Haven’t seen one! But I did buy The Notebook at a garage sale last summer so eventually I will get around to seeing it!

  3. I think I’ve only ever seen The Notebook as one of his movies. But have read quite a few of his books!

    • Lynsey,

      Well, then don’t watch any of his movies because I haven’t watched one without crying yet. They make cry those good kind of tears, but it still happens. 🙁 Sorry to hear you won’t see one of the best romance movies ever made.

  4. Well their all on my favorites movie list, so picking a favorite isn’t easy. I guess I would have to say the notebook because you can feel their love for each other and its how love should be. A challenge but never giving up on the other perosn. My next favorite would be Dear John.

  5. Dear John is my favorite of Nicholas Sparks movies. I love Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried in all of their movies.

  6. Dear John! Though i remember in my senior year reading the Notebook, people could not understand why I loved it so! So I am split between both! 🙂


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