Ninja Simple Style Swiss Steak

My mother barely cooked any meals when I was growing up. She was famous for her Spagetti and Meatballs, Meatloaf, and her Swiss Steak. She also gained lots of recognition for her pie crust. Today I’m going to share her Swiss Steak recipe because it is the one meal that I will make when I’m missing my Mom like crazy. Since we are going into the holiday season I am missing her a lot more.

I also want to share my love of my three in one Ninja cooker. This cooker is really awesome and makes your cooking really easy. The Ninja 3-in-1 Cooking System ir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B009XHYZUW handles almost all types of cooking you can ask for. It does the slow cooker version, stove top version, and also roasting foods. It’s very easy to clean and lightweight. You can get them for only $129.99.
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B009XHYZUW&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=tidbitofexp 20

Now that I have this handy cooking system. I have now started to call my mom’s Swiss Steak, “ir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B009XHYZUWNinja Simple Style Swiss Steak.” I can cook it quicker or slower depending on my preferences with the Ninja. Plus it’s a simple easy delicious meal to make for the family.

You just need to put your meat, soup, and seasonings in the Ninja 3-in-1 Cooking System and turn it on high if you want it done quicker for 4 hours and thirty minutes. If you turn it on Low you can cook it for longer and have it done for you and your family when you get home from work. Then you cook your Success Rice to go with it which doesn’t take more than 10 minutes to cook. It’s a family favorite for sure.

Ninja Simple Style Swiss Steak
Recipe Type: Swiss Steak
Author: Crystal Green
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
This is a simple style Swiss Steak that is a family favorite.
  • Boneless Chuck Steak
  • Meat tenderizer– couple shakes worth
  • Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup 2-3 BIG cans depending on the amount of meat you get. (I usually for every two steaks I have one BIG can of soup.
  • Salt–Couple dashes
  • Pepper-couple of shakes worth
  • Garlic Powder-couple of shakes worth
  • If you choose to add it, onions (or even use onions from the spice section.)
  • Some people have added chopped peppers too.
  1. Put all ingredients in your Ninja-3-in-1 or your slow cooker. If you’re using the Ninja put it on high for 4 hours and 30 minutes or on low for 8 hours and 30 minutes. If you’re a slow cooker, high for 8 hours.
  2. Then make your Success Rice which will take about 10 minutes and serve together.
  3. Also biscuits make for a great addition.

Do you feel this Ninja Style Swiss Steak would be a big hit in your home too? 



Food & Drink

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

48 comments on “Ninja Simple Style Swiss Steak”

    • This is a great product I totally love mine. Crock Pot came out with a very similar one pot wonder too that I reviewed on 3 Boys and a Dog, BUT if you want the slow cooker taste with food cooked faster then the Ninja 3-in-1 is the one to use for sure.

    • I don’t know how you missed this contraption, but let me tell you it put our last slow cooker out to pasture literally.

    • It’s a huge hit here. It’s not something I can make every month, but when I do we gobble it up like we’ve been starving forever.

    • This is really good. I took pictures of my kids eating it with huge smiles on their faces, but I didn’t think you’d like them as much.

  1. That looks like a pretty neat contraption! Certainly a space saver if it’s a three in one type thing. And your mom’s recipe sounds yummy too!

  2. Recipe looks incredible! Smothered steak is one of my mother’s specialties and I can empathize with how it might make you feel closer to her. I still have my mom and am thankful I can still enjoy her cooking but someday I will cherish her recipes as well!

    • Glad you stopped by. I’m so glad that you still have your mom. Tell her tomorrow how much you appreciate and love her and her cooking. (Get her to share her recipes with you that you love while you can too.) I wish I had my mom’s spaghetti and meatball recipe to share too.

  3. Thank you for posting the recipe. I would love this with pork chop or chicken, but have never tried making a steak before to be honest. I may try it, I get very edgy on cooking meat.

  4. Thanks for this recipe, I don’t remember many meals my mother made as once dad retired he did all the cooking, but certain foods remind me of meals with them both. Thank you for sharing on Good Morning Mondays. Blessings.

  5. The swiss steak made me think of my mom too. She made this almost weekly as part of the meal rotation. Glad to get to know you through The Weekend Brew.

    • I’m glad you stopped by. Maybe that was popular during our mothers generation. I LOVE it, and wish I could afford to have it more often.

  6. My hubby loves steak, too! Thanks for sharing your delicious recipe with Try a New Recipe Tuesday. Hope you can join us again this week.

    • I hope you’re husband enjoys this meal as much as we do here. I will have to join up when I have another recipe to share which will be pretty soon I’m pretty sure anyways.

    • This truly is one of my most favorite meal ideas. I don’t get it often, but it’s well worth it!

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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