NOAH BLU Ray DVD Combo Giveaway

I was given the movie NOAH to review in exchange for an honest blog review and promotion of a giveaway. This is in way shaped my opinion of this movie.

NOAH has received a LOT of controversy all over the place prior to it even hitting the theaters. Now that I’ve seen it first hand I can see way. I read somewhere, unfortunately I didn’t save the link because I had no clue I was going to be doing this review, that the producers of this movie wanted to keep it as close to the Bible as they possibly could and that they had cut out many aspects of the original screenplay. Knowing that going into watching this movie really makes me wonder how far off from the Bible it originally was?

This movie had many dark scenes in it and I honestly didn’t not follow it 100% because of that reason (if there are too many dark scenes I can’t follow along with the storyline to well with my current TV. Yes, that is a hint that I need a new TV.) However, my mother-in-law did watch this movie and she is a Bible reader.

She was highly upset with how they made this movie. She stated that it did NOT follow along with the story in the Bible worth a dime. You could see just how upset she was over it by how she described the movie. She proceeded to give me a lot of examples, but I told her to stop because I hadn’t seen the movie yet.

Now if you just watch this movie for purely an entertainment standpoint and not try to play the compare it to what is in the Bible it’s a really good movie. It has a lot of drama, action, and many great effects in it. That alone will captivate you as a viewer. There were many aspects of the movie where I was impressed with how they showed various scenes.

What are your thoughts on this movie? 



Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

29 comments on “NOAH BLU Ray DVD Combo Giveaway”

  1. I would prefer that a movie like this follow what is written in the Bible. I know they usually make up stuff to make it more interesting but sounds like they might have gone too far according to your review.

  2. I just assume when they make a movie it’s more for entertainment than anything. Whether it’s “The Ten Commandments” or “Joseph: Prince of Dreams” they never really follow the Biblical account. In the case of Noah, the whole Bible story is really only a few sentences long so they’d have to be pretty liberal to stretch it into a 2 hour movie. That said… I’m intrigued. I think it looks like an interesting take on a legend that is as old as history!

    • Elizabeth,

      That is such a great point. I have to agree totally that when you look at it strictly from an entertainment point of view it’s a good movie.

  3. I saw this and although it might now be how my Bible says it happened, I liked it. You have to keep an open mind.

  4. I didn’t get a chance to see this movie but it I definitely want to! 🙂 It looks like a great movie

  5. My thoughts on this movie is that I would love to see it. I just watched heaven is for real last night with my brother, and we both really enjoyed it.

  6. I commented on this non-giveaway post; June S. 08/07/2014 Reply
    (FINISH OUT YOUR SUMMER WITH THESE MOVIES/KIDS MOVIES) These are all great kids movies to enjoy with them this summer. We have checked out a few of them listed up above.

  7. I haven’t had a chance to see the movie yet (hence why I’m trying to win the DVD) but I’m curious to see how far off the original story they really went because I’ve heard different opinions from different people

  8. I totally have no idea about his movie but the picture they used as a DVD cover shows that it is a family movie under drama genre. I think this will be perfect for me and my husband to watch, we love these kinds of movie. Oh, and the Bible reader hit me too. 🙂

    • I have mixed feelings about having the kids watch it because of some of the scenes in it. However, I know they have seen worse on other programs.

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