Online Educational Program for K-8th Graders

I went seeking the ability to review Clever Dragons after having many other bloggers talking about getting our kids connected on that site. The bloggers all raved about how great it was and helpful with making their kids eager to learn new things. I got blessed with the chance to review Clever Dragons in exchange for an honest blog review.

Clever-Dragons is an online platform for boys in K-8th grades. This program helps teach boys in the major subjects such as Language Arts, Math, Geography, Music, and even Typing. It also helps with giving Bible lessons and life skills too. I also feel that this program gives him social skills too.

I signed Jimmy up for it in hopes of having it help him prepare for his PASS testing and actually grasping some of the concepts that have been a struggle for him this year. Believe me when I say it has been worth it! Jimmy LOVES being on Clever Dragons.

He loves it because learning is now fun for him. He gets to earn gold coins which he can cash in for things for his castle that he gets to create. Plus he can also give gifts to his friends online too. He also can cash them in to play games online. Plus if he does something awesome for me, I’m able to give him gold coins too as an extra incentive.

They also have a full parenting portion, where I can assign him tests and regulate what he’s allowed to do while he’s on Clever Dragons. I also get full reports weekly telling me what all Jimmy has done while he was logged into the system.

Jimmy enjoys making new friends online in a safe environment. He gets to go visit his friend’s castles and interact with them. It’s like a child’s version of “Facebook.” I love seeing him making friends too.

As you can see from the image, Clever-Dragons is also affordable too. I love the fact that I can get a lifetime membership for both of my boys and Zeva can join Always Icecream for only $349.00. I believe that it is well worth every penny and I can see all of my kids gaining hours of educational information.

I feel that Clever-Dragons is different than any of the other online educational programs I’ve tried with my kids in a very positive manner. I saw the total disappointment in Jimmy’s face when his trial period ran out, and this is the first time he’s begged me to give him membership again. I can tell he misses doing it. As a homeschool mother, seeing him love learning like this, it warms my heart. I highly recommend it and it’s affordable.

You can gain more information about Clever-Dragon on their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Pinterest. If you have a little girl, be sure and check out Always Icecream.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

29 comments on “Online Educational Program for K-8th Graders”

    • She will definitely enjoy Always IceCream. (I got to set up an account for Zeva and we got to explore it some. She’s way to young to do it, but she loved the colors and the girly aspect of it all.)

  1. I looked into clever dragons and liked it, but didn’t like that the cost is per child with no option for a family rate other than for yearly which we can’t afford right now.

    • I can understand that one. I was a bit concerned about the price of it per child too. However, when you think about the other things kids like to invest in per month I didn’t think it was a bad price for all that they gain from it.

  2. I’m so glad your son likes it. My DD is in 7th and it’s getting increasingly difficult to keep her interest in learning, which is especially tough with her being homeschooled.

    • I totally agree that having kids stay interested while homeschooling them that is quite a task. Always IceCream (the girl’s version of Clever-Dragons) goes up to 8th grade. Just a thought. They do offer a trial period for you to see if she may want it.

  3. I bet my son would love this. He loves the learning websites his teacher introduces him to. I seriously need to look into the ice cream one for my daughter.

  4. This looks like a great site! I’m going to show it to my daughter to help my grandson with school.

  5. Oooh, that sounds fabulous! I had not heard of it before now and I am thrilled to learn of this. I will share this with some other moms and when my little boy gets of age, we will look into this. I LOVE that it incorporates Bible, too. Thanks for the great information!


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