Playing Juggling Game At Night

Oh, the joys of parenthood and marriage all rolled into one. We just got Snow last week, and we have more than spoiled her to pieces. She now thinks she deserves to be in bed with us at night, and her staying her crate is not an option anymore.

I didn’t plan on having her sleep in our bed because Del stated no more animals were going to share a bed with us again. Yet, he’s the one who encouraged it to happen. So, not only are we sharing a bed with an 10 month old baby who loves to kick, punch, and squirm all throughout the night, but now we have a small fur ball that has to curl up with me as well.

Last night Del and I were enjoying our time together, but when we got to the point of being able to enjoy some wonderful physical time together it’s like Zeva had her “sex radiator” on and woke up. We ended up staying up two hours later in hopes of her going back to sleep. By the time she wanted to go to sleep I couldn’t keep my eyes open. So..there was no bomb-bomb to be had last night. Since Del’s been taking two classes this semester it hasn’t been a regular thing for us (mind you we don’t normally go more than 2 days.) We were literally trading off between him having the puppy and me having Zeva and back and forth all throughout the night trying to get a decent nights sleep. I think Del is suffering far more than I am because he has later nights than I do, and he does a whole lot more physical work than I do.

Zeva has her own room and her own bed, and refuses to stay in it for the whole night. She hasn’t slept her required amount in so long I’m surprised she’s functioning worth a dime as well. I’m concerned, but I don’t see what they can do for an 11 month old.

We’ve tried to sneak in some pleasure during the day only to be interrupted a thousand times by someone or something. I’ll be so glad when he’s completely done with college. However, I’m the one who encouraged him to go, and I know I’ll be glad I did when he’s done. I imagine he felt the same way when I was working 80-90 hours a week and then on my days off doing nothing but school work from the time I got up until my head hit the pillow.

It amazes me how many different cycles of life our marriage has taken in the past almost five years. However, we’ve conquered all of those cycles. Now I truly understand why someone once told me that you need to date a person through all the seasons of a year before you have any type of talk of marriage. With each season, there are new obstacles to overcome. If you can conquer the whole year together then chances are high you’ll make it for the long haul.

What is your best advice for someone who is dating someone?

 Or better yet, what’s your best advice for a married couple trying to squeeze it all in??

My best advice for parents of newborns is get them use to falling asleep on their own in their own crib from the word go and don’t stop that trait!!




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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