The Promise Movie Review and Giveaway

I was given the movie The Promise in exchange for an honest blog review and hosting a giveaway. As usual, that in no way shaped my opinion of this movie. 

The Promise: Birth of the Messiah, The Animated Musicalir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00FURKOMM is about the birth of Jesus Christ. This musical recaps the story in narrative form from the Gospel of Luke through story and song. The graphics on this movie are outstanding. They choose wonderful people to sing these songs all throughout this movie.

Just as an adult, I personally didn’t care to much for this movie. Honestly, that may have a lot more to do with the fact that I’m NOT a musical show fan. I love my dance movies through and through, but musicals have a way of putting me to sleep. I don’t even get into the movie The Sound of Music even though the parts that I have managed to stay awake for I found were quite entertaining.

I don’t have a strong enough attention span to fully appreciate musicals. However, my kids on the other hand bragged about this movie and how much the loved it. My oldest son, who is a die hard believer of God and will share the gospel every chance he gets with anyone who will give him an ear, LOVED this movie. He was shoving it down his family members throats telling them that they HAD to watch it. “It was the perfect holiday cartoon to watch.”
Looking at the movie from a kid’s point of view, I can say that it is definitely a remarkable way of getting your kids excited to hear about the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. As a parent who wants my kids to know and cherish that story, that definitely is refreshing to see them so excited over this movie.

I’m pleased to announce that I can give one copy away to one lucky reader who is 18 and older. This is only open to US residents. Please note if you have won a prize from Flyby Promotions within the past 30 days you are not eligible to win. 

In order to win, you just need to fill out the Rafflecopter form.
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Official Trailer

Glorious Films is the home of high quality entertainment products created from a strong biblical worldview. The creative and technical teams are world-class and have come to from all over theglobe. Their first film, The Promise, is an animated musical about the nativity story that will be released in 2013. The second film, The Prodigal, an animated musical based on the parable of theprodigal son, is in production for a Spring 2014 release.

A great stocking stuffer and family Christmas classic, available at Amazon:

What is your favorite Christmas time movie? 



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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