Question and Answer Session

There has been many people who have asked me a series of questions since I got wrapped up in this whole blog world.  I decided now was as good of a time as any to share the answers with you.

Question 1: How did you get involved in blogging?

Answer: In truth I actually decided to create a free website page first many years ago. That led to my interest in actually playing around with making websites. I honestly made several sites long before this one came about.

Question: Have you had any other blogs besides this one?

Answer: I use to blog on when I was a die-hard weight loss fanatic. I gained a large following on there. At the time I was writing those posts, I was going through my custody case with my oldest daughter and also dealing with the fact that my mom was dying of cancer. I use to pour my heart out on that blog. There was some posts that I can remember writing while tears were falling all over my face.  (Just a side note: That site will always hold a near and dear place in my heart because it did help me lose weight. The most important thing I gained from that site though was the support and friendship of many people. If I had more time, I do declare I’d be very active on it.)

Question: Do you spend a lot of time on it in order to gain so much from it in products and money?

Answers: I do spend a good 40 plus hours a week on my blogging ventures. I do see a lot of benefits from my time spent on it. I wouldn’t trade it. It has become a wonderful hobby. I do long for it to be more than just a hobby. That’s why I’m in an Internship that is kicking my tail end from one end to the other. Yet, I know if I survive it I’ll be a stronger blogger and may even get on the track I long to be on.

Question: How does your family feel about you spending so much time on the computer?

Answer: I’ve tried to choose products to review that my family would enjoy reviewing. I’ve even tried to get my friends products that they can have fun reviewing as well. For me, I gain a lot of pleasure out of writing and interacting on the social media networks. I personally review the majority of the books, movies, and kitchen stuff I get. I hope to one day get into the technology world more. I also desperately want to get into the video game world since everyone in our family is HUGE video gamers!! My family loves the fact that I blog. In fact, they are quick to give me topics to cover when I run out of them. That’s why I made sure I kept this blog niche free!

Do you have any questions for me that I didn’t answer??

Please ask them!!! I’m an open book. I’d love to know what interests you!!!




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “Question and Answer Session”

  1. I always love to read how others got into blogging. So many people don’t realize just how many hours it does really take 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Yes, I agree with you no one fully realizes how much is involved in becoming a blogger that is well known. I get so many people who laugh at me when I say I’m a full time blogger. It amazes me considering how popular it has become.

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